TRS Working President Rama Rao Ridicules BJP’s Slogan of Double Engine Govt

Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) president KT Rama Rao during an exclusive interview to News18. (Photo Credit: News18)

The TRS and BJP have been engaged in a political one-upmanship over various issues as they gear up for next year’s Legislative Assembly elections

  • PTI Hyderabad
  • Last Updated:May 16, 2022, 15:19 IST

Ruling TRS Working President in Telangana KT Rama Rao on Monday ridiculed BJP’s slogan of “double engine government”, citing media reports that some industrialists in neighboring Karnataka performed ‘aarti’ to power supply officials after being fed up with frequent power cuts. Engine Govt,” Rama Rao tweeted, pointing to media reports that some businesspersons in an industrial area in Bengaluru took “aarti” to the power officials after being upset over erratic power supply.

The TRS and BJP have been engaged in a political one-upmanship over various issues as they gear up for next year’s Legislative Assembly elections. The BJP has been suggesting that a “double engine government”, with the party being in power both at the Center and in Telangana, would benefit the state.

Top BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who recently addressed a public meeting here, has said a “double decker government” is needed in Telangana, urging the voters to elect the BJP to power to realise a prosperous state.

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