Traumatic incident of Hingoli, Maharashtra: Nurse successfully delivered more than 5 thousand women, died when it was her turn

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A 38-year-old nurse has done more than 5 thousand successful deliveries in her career so far, but when it came to her own delivery, she said goodbye to the world. This sad incident is from Hingoli district of Maharashtra.

Actually, Jyoti Gawli gave birth to her second child on 2 November at Hingoli Civil Hospital. After delivery, some complications started with her. After that he got pneumonia. Because of this, he was admitted from the Civil Hospital in Hingoli to a private hospital in Nanded.

Even after coming here, his health kept deteriorating and he was shifted to ventilator. However, there too his condition did not improve and he finally died on Sunday after a deteriorating health.

Jyoti was a very friendly personality
She was posted in the ‘Delivery Ward’ of Hingoli Civil Hospital. It was told about him by the hospital that Jyoti Gawli, a very hardworking and cheerful nature, had delivered more than 5 thousand women. Due to his friendly personality, many women used to come to meet him even after leaving the hospital.

The nurses who worked with him at the hospital in Hingoli told that their hospital receives about 15 cases every day. A health official gave information about his death on Tuesday.

Was about to go on maternity leave after the birth of the child
According to the hospital, Jyoti worked during the last days of pregnancy. She was about to go on maternity leave after the birth of the child. For the last two years, she was working in Hingoli Civil Hospital. Prior to this, she had worked in other health centers for three years.

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