Today’s history: When the first plane collided with the World Trade Center, people thought it was an accident, after 18 minutes the second one collided, then the terrorist attack came to know

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  • When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, people thought it was an accident, 18 minutes later the second one collided, then the terrorist attack came to know.

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September 11, 2001. Day-Tuesday. Like any other day, the American people got up in the morning and went to work. In the World Trade Center in the capital New York, about 18,000 employees were engaged in their respective works. This building was a major trade center of New York. There were offices of big companies in which thousands of people used to work and the same number of people used to come and go.

Then at 8:45 a.m., a Boeing 767 rammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at a high speed. Hundreds of people died and the same number remained imprisoned amidst fire and smoke. Till now the whole world was considering it as an accident.

18 minutes later, another Boeing 767 rammed into the building’s south tower. The building caught fire and many people were killed. It was now clear that this was not an accident but a terrorist attack.

19 terrorists hijacked 4 aircraft. 2 planes collided with both towers of the World Trade Center. The third plane collided with the US Ministry of Defense ie Pentagon. 184 people died in the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed on a farm in Shankville.

The Pentagon was completely destroyed after the plane collided.

The Pentagon was completely destroyed after the plane collided.

It is considered the deadliest terrorist attack in human history. About 3000 people from 93 countries were killed in the attack. 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, while the rest were from the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden became the world’s most wanted terrorist only after this attack. The US had offered a $25 million bounty for catching bin Laden, alive or dead. Finally, on May 2, 2011, the US killed bin Laden, who was hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in a secret mission.

1893: When Vivekananda said in the Parliament of Religions – Sisters and Brothers of America

The World Conference of Religions was held on 11 September 1893. In it, as soon as Swami Vivekananda began his speech by saying “Sisters and Brothers of America”, the whole hall erupted with applause. This was the first time that the West was facing the Dharmacharya of the East. At that time, Indian culture, practice and philosophy was new in front of the western countries. This famous speech of Vivekananda gave a new dimension to the image of India.

Swami Vivekananda at the Religion Conference in Chicago.

Swami Vivekananda at the Religion Conference in Chicago.

Swami Vivekananda raised the issue of communalism, religious bigotry and violence in his speech. He had said that communalism and bigotry have been gripping the earth for a long time and this has increased the violence on the earth. Sometimes the earth is red with blood. How many civilizations have been destroyed? Do not know how many countries have been destroyed. He also raised the issue of tolerance and universality in his speech.

1906: Gandhi’s Satyagraha in South Africa

In 1906 the South African government enacted a new law. In this law, registration was made mandatory for people of Indian origin. It was opposed in a meeting of Indian diaspora held in Johannesburg on 11 September itself. In this, Gandhiji advocated the use of non-violence for protest.

Gandhiji with the leaders of the Non Violent Resistance Movement in South Africa.

Gandhiji with the leaders of the Non Violent Resistance Movement in South Africa.

This struggle lasted for seven years. South Africa was also ruled by the British at that time and they sent thousands of Indians to jail for striking, refusing registration, burning registration cards and demonstrating.

The day of September 11 is remembered in history due to some other important events.

2007: A nearly 2000-year-old tunnel was unearthed in the city of David, adjacent to Jerusalem.

2006: The pair of Paes and Dame won the doubles title of the US Open.

2005: Announcement to end 38 years of military rule in Gaza Strip.

2003: Despite opposition from China, US President George Bush met Tibetan religious leader Dalai Lama.

1996: Elected woman president for the first time in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

1973: Military coup of Chile’s President Salvador Allende.

1971: The constitution was adopted in Egypt.

1968: Air France plane number 1611 crashes near Nice. 89 passengers and six crew members died in the accident.

1965: The Indian Army captured the city of Burki near southeast Lahore during the Indo-Pakistani War.

1961: Establishment of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

1951: Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim across the English Channel. It took them 16 hours and 19 minutes to reach France from England.

1941: The construction of the US Defense Department Pentagon began.

1939: Iraq and Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany.

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