Today’s History: Today is World Alzheimer’s Day i.e. the day to raise awareness about the amnesia of the elderly, more than 20 million elderly people in India are victims of this disease.

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  • Today’s History Today’s History 20 September | Manipur becomes part of India and World Alzheimer’s Day

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Today is World Alzheimer’s Day. This day is celebrated every year on 21st September to raise awareness about this disease all over the world. In Alzheimer’s, the connections between nerve cells in the brain are weakened. Gradually, this disease takes the form of a disorder of the brain and destroys the memory. The person also stops thinking and starts having difficulty in doing daily activities.

Alzheimer’s is primarily a form of dementia. People suffering from this have a habit of forgetting. Because of this, they also forget what happened 1-2 minutes ago.

In 1906, Dr. Alois Alzheimer discovered about this disease, due to which this disease is known after him. He had noticed changes in the cells in the brain of a woman suffering from mental illness. In the study of the woman’s brain, it was found that there were some lumps in it. It starts like a common problem, but gradually it takes a serious form.

Alzheimer’s usually occurs in old age. It mostly affects people over the age of 60. In very few cases, people get this disease at the age of 30 or 40. While the symptoms of Alzheimer’s start in men at the age of 60, in women its symptoms appear at the age of 45.

Over time, most of the brain of the patient affected by this disease starts getting damaged and then there comes a time that he does not remember anything.

1949: Accession of Manipur to India

On 15 August 1947, a few days before the end of the British Raj, the king of Manipur accepted the rule of India on 11 August, but the state had acquired internal sovereignty. The Manipur State Constitution Act 1947 came into force, giving the state its own separate constitution. Many people in Manipur wanted merger with India. Manipur India Congress was also formed. The Indian government did not recognize a separate constitution.

Manipur is also known as the father of polo game.  Polo originated from a traditional Manipuri game called 'Sago Kangjei'.

Manipur is also known as the father of polo game. Polo originated from a traditional Manipuri game called ‘Sago Kangjei’.

Eventually, the Maharaja was under pressure and he signed a merger agreement with the Government of India on 21 September 1949. This agreement came into force on 15 October. For many years the direct rule of the center remained here, but in 1972 Manipur got the status of a separate state in India.

today international peace day

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously decided to observe this day as a 24-hour period of non-violence and ceasefire. The United Nations celebrates this day to make all nations and peoples aware of the importance of non-violence. The ideals of peace are reinforced on this day.

This day is also a day to remember Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings of non-violence. The theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World. By the way, this day not only talks about outer peace but also inner peace.


Shanti Mantra

Dyau: Shantirantariksham Shanti:,

Earth Peace : Peace : Peace : .

Vegetable: Shantirvishre Dev: Shantarbrahma Shanti:,

Peace, peace, tranquility, peace.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti: ..

This Shanti Mantra, taken from Yajurveda, says that there should be peace in the earth, space, water, medicine, vegetation, the world, there is peace all around.

The day of 21st September is remembered in history due to some other important events.

2018: India had canceled foreign minister-level talks with Pakistan during the UN General Assembly. Actually, a soldier was killed on the Indian border in Kashmir and Pakistan was glorifying terrorists. This angered India. It was said that terrorism and talks cannot go together.

2013: The Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya was attacked by members of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group. In an encounter that lasted for a few hours, the terrorists killed 63 shoppers. Kenyan security forces released the hostages and killed four terrorists.

2008: Oil production started in Reliance’s Krishna Godavari basin.

2004: To increase their influence in global decisions, Brazil, India, Germany and Japan together decided to strive for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Together they resolved to work on UN reforms.

2000: Establishment of Liberal Democratic Friends of India Society for better relations between India and Britain.

1996: President Bill Clinton signs the Defense of Marriage Act. There was a provision not to recognize same sex marriage, but they could not be discriminated against on this basis. The US Supreme Court overruled it by rulings in 2013 and 2015.

1991: Armenia gained independence from the Soviet Union.

1984: Brunei joined the United Nations.

1979: Chris Gayle, the West Indian cricketer famous for his explosive batting, was born.

1966: Mihir Sen swam across the Basphorus Channel.

1964: The South European island country of Malta was made a colony by the British in 1814 under the Treaty of Paris. The country gained independence in 1964 on 21 September. At first, the Queen of England was accepted as the head of state, but on 13 December 1974 declared herself a republic.

1961: The US-made Boeing CH-47 Chinook took off for the first time. It was used extensively by US forces in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

1784: The daily newspaper (Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser) was printed for the first time in America.

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