Today’s History: Titanic set out on its maiden voyage, sank four days later; More than 1500 were killed

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  • Titanic set out on its maiden voyage, sank after four days, more than 1500 lives were lost

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On this day in 1912, Titanic, the world’s largest ship of its time, set out on its first and last voyage. This ship set out on 10 April from the port of Southampton, Britain, on a journey to New York, which was split into two pieces after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean four days later, that is, on 14 April 1912.

More than 1500 people died in the sinking of Titanic. The sinking of the Titanic is the biggest sea accident of peacetime.

It took 3 years to build the Titanic ship

The Titanic was built by the English shipbuilding company White Star Line in the early 20th century. It took three years to build the Titanic. Its construction work started in 1909 and it was completed in 1912.

It was sea trials on 2 April 1912 and finally on 10 April 1912 it set out on its maiden voyage, which unfortunately proved to be her last voyage. On the fourth day of starting its journey i.e. on the night of 14-15 April, Titanic collided with a mountain of ice in the Atlantic Ocean.

Many claims about the reason for the sinking of Titanic

Different claims are made about the accident of Titanic. According to one claim, the ship’s Captain Smith ignored warnings of an iceberg in the ocean and did not reduce the speed of the ship.

It is said that after the Titanic crash, many lifeboats were sent half-empty, with these lifeboats not returning to pick up the rest of the passengers. It is also known that there was a fire in the Titanic for 3 days and the captain of the ship and some members of the ship were already aware of it, but still they kept this thing hidden, which in the end became the reason for the sinking of this huge ship.

The film on Titanic won 11 Oscars

After the sinking of this ship in 1997, James Cameron directed a film called Titanic, which made this ship famous all over the world. The film Titanic won a record 11 Oscars.

Today was the beginning of ‘Champaran Satyagraha’

Mahatma Gandhi started the Champaran Satyagraha on this day in 1917 in Champaran, Bihar. The British used to force farmers to cultivate indigo in Champaran. Farmers were forced to cultivate indigo in 3 out of 20 parts of their field. Gandhiji organized a satyagraha in Champaran on 10 April 1917 in protest against the atrocities on the farmers. After this he was taken into custody by the police for disturbing the peace.

As soon as the news of Gandhi’s arrest was received, the farmers started protesting outside the police station and the court. The British government was forced to make Champaran Agriculture Bill in front of Champaran Satyagraha. Due to this, the cultivation of indigo, which has been going on for 135 years, gradually stopped.

Morarji Desai, the first non-Congress PM, passes away

On this day, the country’s first non-Congress PM Morarji Desai died in 1995. Born on 29 February 1896 in Gujarat, Morarji Desai was the Prime Minister of the country’s first non-Congress government.

Morarji Desai became the Prime Minister of the Janata Party government after the defeat of Indira Gandhi in the 1977 elections. However, he was able to remain Prime Minister only for two years. Morarji is the first Indian Prime Minister to be awarded the ‘Bharat Ratna’ and ‘Nishane-Pakistan’, the top honors of India and Pakistan.

What else happened on the day of April 10 in history-

2019: Astronomers have released photos of a black hole for the first time. This giant galaxy is at the center of M87.

2010: Polish President Lekh Kaczyski and his wife Maria died in a plane crash.

2008: The Supreme Court of India gave constitutional approval to 27% reservation for students from other backward classes in central educational institutions and central government-aided educational institutions.

2001: The Netherlands passed a bill that approved euthanasia. It became the first country in the world to enact such a law.

1982: Successful launch of India’s multipurpose satellite INSAT-1A.

1973: After the new constitution came into force in Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the Prime Minister instead of the President.

1972: Earthquake in Iran killed about 5 thousand people.

1962: Born Major Dhansingh Thapa, many Chinese soldiers were killed in the 1962 battle. During the war, China took captives. On his return to the country after the war, he was given the Param Vir Chakra.

1953: The first colored 3-D movie House of Wax released in New York.

1941: Mani Shankar Aiyar, former external affairs minister and Congress leader, was born.

1932: Kishori Amonkar, the famous singer of Hindustani music, was born. Amonkar of Atrauli Jaipur Gharana was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2002.

1931: Noted writer Khalil Gibran passed away.

1894: Indian industrialist Ghanshyamdas Birla was born.

1875: Swami Dayanand Saraswati founded the Arya Samaj.

1849: In America, a man named Walter Hunt took the patent for the safety pin. He later sold it for just $400.

1847: American journalist and publisher Joseph Pulitzer, the founder of the Pulitzer Prizes, was born.

1710: The world’s first copyright act came into force in Britain.

1633: Banana sales started in London for the first time.

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