Today’s history: The queen who saved the sixes of the Mughals was born today, after being seriously injured in the war, she herself took off the sword in her chest

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Today is the birth anniversary of Veerangana Rani Durgavati. Durgavati was born on 5 October 1524 in Banda, Uttar Pradesh. His father Kirat Rai was the ruler of Chandela dynasty. Durgavati was fond of archery, fencing and horse riding since childhood. As a child, she used to go hunting in the forests with her father. In 1542, at the age of 18, she was married to Dalpat Shah.

A few years later, the queen gave birth to a son, who was named Veer Narayan. The son was just 5 years old when his husband Dalpat Shah passed away. The queen placed her son on the throne and took the reins of the kingdom of Gondwana in her own hands.

He shifted the capital of his kingdom from Chauragarh to Singaurgarh, made major changes in the army and created a well-equipped army. Constructed many temples, dharamshalas and ponds. In 1556, Sultan Baz Bahadur of Malwa attacked Gondwana, but was badly defeated in front of the courage of Queen Durgavati.

In 1562, Akbar annexed Malwa to the Mughal Empire and Rewa was occupied by Asaf Khan. The boundaries of both Malwa and Rewa touched Gondwana, so the Mughals also tried to annex Gondwana to their empire.

In 1988, the Government of India issued a postage stamp in honor of Rani Durgavati.

In 1988, the Government of India issued a postage stamp in honor of Rani Durgavati.

Asaf Khan attacked Gondwana, but the queen was victorious in this attack. Asaf Khan again attacked in 1564. The queen left for the war riding on her elephant. His son Veer Narayan was also with him.

In the battle, the queen got several arrows in her body and she was seriously injured. They began to feel that it was difficult to survive now. Then he asked one of his soldiers to kill him, but the soldier refused to do so. Then the queen herself struck her sword in the chest and became a martyr. June 24 i.e. the day of his martyrdom is celebrated as ‘Sacrifice Day’.

2011: Steve Jobs died

Steve Jobs, who gained worldwide fame through products like iPhone, iPod, iPad and Mac, died on 5 October 2011. The cause of death was pancreatic cancer. There are many stories related to his life, which inspire everyone including the youth. Here are the highlights of what he said in the Stanford University program on June 12, 2005:

Jobs said- I was expelled from college. Actually, my mother was a college student and she was not even married. Even before I was born, my mother had decided that I would adopt a graduate couple, but it did not happen. My mother was initially against adoption, but later agreed. The condition was that I would be sent to college, but I took the drop from college. Looking back today, I think my decision was right.

He said- I was lucky that I could do whatever I wanted to do. Started Apple in the garage, so I was only 20 years old at the time. Apple was at its height in 10 years. The company started with two people grew to two billion people and had 4000 employees. We launched the Macintosh. Our vision for the future had failed. I was fired from the company at the age of 30. Jobs used to say that he read a quotation at the age of 17 – you live every day thinking that today is the last day. It impressed him a lot. For 33 years, he would look in the mirror every morning and think that today is the last day. It inspired me to do what I wanted to do.

People pay tribute to Steve Jobs at an Apple Store in London.

People pay tribute to Steve Jobs at an Apple Store in London.

The day of October 5 is also remembered because of these important events in history.

1989: The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso, received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the field of human rights.

1988: The Constituent Assembly of Brazil approved the constitution.

1944: Women got suffrage in France.

1915: Bulgaria took part in the First World War.

1910: The monarchy was abolished in Portugal and a republic was established.

1880: Alonzo T. Cross patented the first ball point pen.

1796: Spain declared war against England.

1793: Christianity was displaced in France during the French Revolution.

1789: Parisian women marched to Versailles during the French Revolution.

1676: The East India Company got the right to mint Indian currency at Mumbai from the King of England.

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