Today’s History: Native Share and Stock Broker Association started in Mumbai 146 years ago, today it is known as Bombay Stock Exchange

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  • History of today; Today’s History July 9 | Bombay Stock Exchange Index History, Native Share and Stock Brokers Association

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Bombay was emerging as a trading center from the beginning of the 18th century. Being connected to the sea, the movement of goods through this area was very good. For this reason Bombay was the preferred destination for many types of business. The business of trading was also started here during the same period.

Some merchants used to trade under a banyan tree in front of the Bombay Town Hall. These traders did not have any written rules and regulations, nor did they have a permanent place to trade. These people kept changing places according to their convenience.

Around 1870 these traders thought of forming an association for trading, so that trading could be streamlined. To become a member of this association, an entry fee of Re 1 was kept. On this day in 1875, this association was formed, named – Native Share and Stock Broker Association.

Initially 318 people were members of the association. Gradually people grew and the need for a building for trading was felt. In 1899 the association rented a hall on Dalal Street, whose rent was Rs 100 per month.

BSE Towers (Feroz Jijibhai Towers) located on Dalal Street.

BSE Towers (Feroz Jijibhai Towers) located on Dalal Street.

The association could not afford the rent, so Dinshaw Manekji Petit took over the responsibility, after which the hall was named after him. On 31 August 1957, the Government of India recognized the Bombay Stock Exchange under the Securities Contract Regulation Act. Bombay Stock Exchange is the first stock exchange in the country to get this recognition.

The construction of the building where the Bombay Stock Exchange is currently located started in 1973. The entire business was shifted here in 1980 and the building was named BSE Towers. Which was later changed to Firoz Jijibhai Tower.

There was a need for an index to measure the overall performance of the stock exchange, so the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index was introduced in 1986. On January 2, 1986, the index of 30 companies listed on the stock exchange was issued for the first time. Later its name was changed to Sensex.

In 1995, making a big change in the way of trading, electronic trading was introduced in place of the traditional method. Today the Bombay Stock Exchange is the 9th largest stock exchange in the world in terms of market capitalization and has about 5000 companies registered in it.

1893: The world’s first open heart surgery

The first open heart surgery was performed on this day in 1893. This was a great achievement for the medical field and Dr Dan Williams was the one to accomplish this feat. Dan was a doctor at Chicago’s Provident Hospital. One night he was giving his services in the hospital itself when some people brought a man named James Cornish.

There was a fight with someone in Cornish’s bar and in this fight he was attacked with a knife. The knife hit his chest and damaged the heart. Heart surgery was not considered possible at that time, because the medical world was not so developed at that time. But Dan decided to have an operation.

Doctor Dan Williams.

Doctor Dan Williams.

He made an incision through the ribs to make a way to reach the heart. Although there was not much damage to the heart, the surrounding artery and pericardium were stabbed. William finished the operation and Corniche regained consciousness the next morning.

The operation was successful and this operation is considered to be the world’s first open heart surgery. Cornish was discharged from the hospital 51 days after the operation.

1952: First five year plan published

On 15 March 1950, the Planning Commission was formed in the country under the chairmanship of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The work of this commission was to plan important schemes for the development of the country. Along with this, the responsibility of making five year plans was also with this commission.

As soon as this commission was formed, it started working on its first five year plan. The chairman of the commission was Nehru himself and Nehru was greatly influenced by the economic model of the Soviet Union at that time. The idea of ​​making five year plans was also taken from the Soviet Union.

In December 1951, Nehru presented the first five year plan in Parliament. The duration of this scheme was from 1951 to 1956. About seven months later, on this day in 1952, the Planning Commission published the first Five Year Plan.

Members during a meeting of the Planning Commission on 24 July 1951.

Members during a meeting of the Planning Commission on 24 July 1951.

Agriculture was given the highest importance in this plan. Because during that time the shortage of food grains was a matter of serious concern. The government had allocated a total of Rs 2,069 crore for this plan, which was later increased to Rs 2,378 crore. 44 per cent of this amount was allocated for agriculture and irrigation.

Nehru had said that factories and dams would be the temples of independent India, so he was also given preference in this plan. The work of Bhakra and Hirakud Dam was started during this period. University Grants Commission (UGC) was established. By the time the plan ended in 1956, 5 IITs were ready in the country.

The day of July 9 is remembered in history because of other important events.

2011: After a referendum, a new country, South Sudan, was separated from Sudan.

2007: Boeing launches 787 Dreamliner. The aircraft made its first flight in December 2009.

1969: The Wildlife Board declared the lion as the national animal of the country. In 1973, the tiger was declared the national animal in place of the lion.

1939: In a meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, 6 thousand Indians decided to campaign against apartheid and apartheid.

1925: One of the most powerful actors and best directors of Indian cinema, Guru Dutt was born.

1877: The first Wimbledon Championships were held in London.

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