Today’s History: Muhammad Ali’s first defeat in ‘Fight of the Century’ in New York, Fraser became the world champion

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  • Today’s History Today’s History March 8 | Boxer Muhammad Ali lost the first match, International Women’s Day Women’s Day

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The legendary boxer Muhammad Ali refused to serve in the armed forces, so he was stripped of the World Heavyweight Champion title in 1967. When he returned to the ring in 1970, he had to show his strength once again. In such a situation, on March 8, 1971, there was a match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Fraser for the World Heavyweight Champion title. Mohammad Ali had won 31 matches before this, while Fraser had 26 matches. Till then both the boxers had not lost a single match.

The match, which took place at Madison Square Garden, New York, was called ‘The Fight of the Century’. Before the fight, Ali started calling Fraser the champion of the White Establishment in a media interaction. This increased the excitement about the match. Both fought for 15 rounds in the match held on 8 March 1971. Mohammad Ali, who was out of the ring for a few years, had become weak. Fraser troubled Mohammad Ali with his left hook and kept raining punches on him. Ali, who was almost blind in this match, fell on the ground twice. This was the first defeat of Ali’s career.

Fraser, who lost to Foreman in 1973, had to face Muhammad Ali again in 1974. Ali won the match in 12 rounds. On 1 October 1975, the two came face to face for the third time in the Philippines. This fight was called Thrilia in Manila. The match was for the Heavyweight Championship and this time Ali won via technical knockout after 14 rounds.

today women’s day; Know its history
Today, ie March 8, is International Women’s Day. In fact, in 1908, the women’s labor movement in America started celebrating Women’s Day. 15,000 women demonstrated in New York City demanding reduced working hours, better wages and some other rights. A year later, the Socialist Party of America declared the day the first National Women’s Day. In 1910, an international conference of working women was held in Copenhagen, in which it was suggested to celebrate this day as International Women’s Day. Gradually this day started becoming popular as International Women’s Day all over the world. This day was recognized as International Women’s Day in 1975, when the United Nations started celebrating it with a theme.

1979: For the first time the compact disc came in the market
The Compact Disc (CD) was developed by Philips and Sony. The companies later together created a standard format and also developed CD players.

March 8 is also remembered for these events in the country and the world:

2014: A Malaysia Airlines plane went missing on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, which could not be found despite millions of attempts. There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board the plane. Efforts to locate it were called off in 2017.

1985: A car bomb explodes near a mosque in Beirut, killing 80 people and injuring more than 175. At the time of the accident, people had gathered in the mosque for Namaz.

1948: Establishment of Air India International.

1953: Birth of Vasundhara Raje. She was the Chief Minister of the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Rajasthan for ten consecutive years.

1942: Japanese forces captured the city of Rangoon in Burma during World War II.

1930: Mahatma Gandhi started the civil disobedience movement against the British rule for the independence of India.

1921: Spanish Prime Minister Eduardo Dato Iradier was assassinated on his way out of the Parliament House.

1702: Queen Anne took over Britain after the death of King William III of England.

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