Today’s history: Hitler married a day before his suicide, gave a vial of poison to his comrades before he died

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  • Adolf Hitler Death: Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 30 April | Adolf Hitler Suicide By Shooting Himself

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30 April 1945 afternoon time. German dictator Adolf Hitler began to feel that now he would not be able to win, his defeat was certain, but he did not want to come alive at any cost to the enemy. So he decided to commit suicide. He distributed small vials of poison among his colleagues present in the bunker. The lethality of the poison had already been tried on Hitler’s Alsacean dog.

At 3:30, Hitler’s wife Eva Braun swallowed the poison. At the same moment Hitler also shot his pistol with a 7.65 mm tube in his right temple and shot him in the head. His personal servant Hynts Linge came into the room a few minutes later. Both the bodies were wrapped in blankets and carried to the lawn of the chancellor’s office with the help of two SS soldiers of the Nazi Party and burnt.

A lot of petrol was spilled to burn both the bodies. The rest of the bodies were buried in a pit near the bunker.

In fact, Germany was on the verge of defeat in the Second World War. Because of this, from 16 January 1945, Hitler lived in an underground bunker with three meters thick walls built on the lawn of his Reich-Chancellor’s office.

On 25 April itself, Hitler called his personal bodyguard Heinz Linge and said that as soon as I shoot myself, you take my body to the Chancellery’s garden and set it on fire, so that no one can see me after death. Nor could he be recognized.

married his girlfriend a day before committing suicide

From April 25, Soviet forces surrounded Berlin. It is believed that on April 27, Hitler had decided that he would commit suicide in exchange for falling into the hands of the Soviet army. After this, on the midnight of 28 April, Hitler married his longtime girlfriend Eva Braun in his bunker. His publicity minister Goebbels became a witness to this marriage.

An official of the Ministry of Publicity duly registered the marriage. Hitler made his typist Traudl Yunge sit in front of him that night to write his testament. The personal portion of the will was very small. In it he wrote that he did not want to live anymore. Whatever property he has, he is doing it in the name of the party and the country.

Hitler had many physical and mental problems

Adolf Hitler had a very delicate stomach. He had many physical and mental problems including Parkinson’s disease. He used to eat only simple food. On 20 April 1945, Hitler celebrated his 56th birthday in the bunker itself. It is said that there was a lot of champagne in the feast of that day.

Birthday of Dadasaheb, who showed the first film by mortgaging wife’s jewelry

May 1910. The film was being screened at the America-India Picture Palace in Bombay. The name of the film was ‘The Life of Christ’. As soon as the film ended, a person sitting in the audience started clapping loudly. That person decided right there that he too would make a film on Indian mythological characters like Jesus Christ. This vow of that person gave birth to Raja Harishchandra, the first feature film of Indian cinema. The creator’s name was Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, who we know today as Dadasaheb Phalke and today is his 151st birthday.

How was the first film made?

Dadasaheb was an all round personality. Before making films, he did many things like painting, printing. When he saw ‘The Life of Christ’, he decided to leave everything and make films. Making films in those days was not easy. Money, artist, equipment were all problems, but the person who took the vow was also no ordinary person. Dadasaheb did this feat despite all the troubles.

Dadasaheb Phalke Award since 1969

Due to Dadasaheb’s historic contribution to Indian cinema, from 1969, the Government of India instituted the ‘Dada Saheb Phalke’ Award in his honor. The award is considered to be the highest and prestigious award of Indian cinema. Devika Rani Choudhary was the first to get this award.

April 30 is also remembered for these events in the country and the world-

2020: Actor Rishi Kapoor passed away.

2008: The driverless aircraft “Lakshya” was successfully test-fired from Chandipur beach in Odisha’s Balasore district.

1975: The Vietnam War ended.

1956: Former US Vice President Alben Barkley dies during a speech in Virginia.

1908: Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki threw a bomb to kill the magistrate of Kingsford in Muzaffarpur.

1789: George Washington was elected the first President of America.

1030: Sultan Mahmud, the first independent ruler of the Ghaznavi dynasty, passed away.

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