Today’s History: Dolly the sheep born from cloning, scientists made it in the lab; Named after an American singer

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  • Dolly The Sheep Born From Cloning, Scientists Made It In The Lab; Named After An American Singer

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For many years, scientists were trying to make clones, but could not succeed. Then he thought why not try it on sheep, but it was not easy either. Scientists had failed 227 times. Eventually they got success and for the first time the sheep ‘Dolly’ made through cloning was born. It was such a sheep, which was not born, but it was made by scientists in the lab.

On 22 February 1997, a team of scientists from the Roslin Institute in Scotland announced the creation of a clone. However, this cloned sheep was born on 5 July 1996. It was announced 7 months later. The sheep was named after American singer and actress Dolly Parton. There was a reason for this too. That is, Dolly Parton was very strong and the sheep that was born from the clone was also healthy.

This was the first time that scientists had cloned a cell. For this the technique of nucleus transfer was adopted. Two sheep were taken in it. One white sheep and the other black sheep. The scientists extracted the nucleus from the cells of the white sheep and put it in the cell (egg) of the black-headed sheep. After this was born Dolly the sheep. When Dolly the sheep was born, she was completely white. At the age of two, Dolly gave birth to the first lamb. His name was Bonnie. After that Dolly gave birth to 5 more lambs.

Dolly died of lung cancer

By 2001, Dolly started falling ill. His condition got very bad. On February 14, 2003, Dolly was killed by an overdose of medicines. He was given euthanasia.

When Dolly was born, doctors expected her to live 11-12 years, but Dolly died at 6 and a half years old. When the post-mortem was done after his death, it was found that he had lung cancer. Sheep often get this disease.

After Dolly died, her body was donated to the National Museum of Scotland. Even today his body is kept in the museum here. This sheep was created by Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut.

Important events of 22 February in India and the world are as follows:

2011: 181 people killed in 6.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.

1991: US President George Bush asked Iraq to withdraw its forces from Kuwait and threatened that the US would attack Iraq if it did not do so.

1980: Martial law declared in Afghanistan.

1974: Pakistan recognized Bangladesh as a country.

1958: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the country’s first education minister, passed away.

1944: Mahatma Gandhi’s wife Kasturba Gandhi passed away.

1907: The first taxi metered cabs were introduced in London.

1821: Spain sold Florida to America for $5 million.

1732: The birth of George Washington, the first President of the United States.

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