Today’s History: Asia’s first nuclear reactor started in India, PM Nehru named it ‘Apsara’ after seeing blue rays coming out of the reactor

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The Atomic Energy Establishment Trombay (AEET) was founded by Homi Jehangir Bhabha in January 1954. Dr. Bhabha wanted to promote research in the field of atomic energy in India. Engineers and scientists from all over the country working on the designing and development of atomic reactors were called to work in this center.

On 15 March 1955, it was decided to build India’s first nuclear research reactor. Dr Bhabha was the head of this entire program. It was decided that this reactor would be like a swimming pool and would have a capacity of 1 MW thermal (MWt).

The work of building the research reactor started in the premises of Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC). A major problem was the nuclear fuel for the reactor. It was discussed with Britain. There was a deal between Britain and India in which it was decided that Britain would supply the uranium needed for the reactor.

All the scientists across the country worked hard day and night to complete the reactor work in just 15 months. This reactor was started on this day in 1956. This was the first nuclear reactor in India as well as the whole of Asia.

On 20 January 1957, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru formally inaugurated the reactor.

On 20 January 1957, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru formally inaugurated the reactor.

It is said that Prime Minister Nehru liked the blue rays emanating from the reactor so much that he named the reactor ‘Apsara’. For the next several decades, the reactor was used to conduct research related to atomic energy.

In 2009, it was closed to increase the capacity and maintenance of the reactor. The reactor capacity was increased from 1 to 2 MW of thermal (MWt) and the fuel was also made in India. The reactor was restarted on 10 September 2018. It was an upgraded version of Apsara]hence it was named ‘Apsara-U’ or ‘Apsara Upgraded’.

1944: Anne Frank’s secret hideout was discovered by German troops

4 August 1944. German soldiers got the news that some Jews were hiding in house number 263 of Prensingracht in Amsterdam. Soldiers raided this house and drove 8 Jews out of the house. All these Jews were hiding in this house for the last two years. Anne Frank was one of the 8 Jews captured, the girl whose diary is considered a written document of German atrocities.

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in a Jewish family. Due to the growing hatred of Jews in Germany, Anne Frank had to come to the Netherlands with her family, but during the Second World War, Germany also occupied the Netherlands. Now troubles began to increase for Frank’s family. The family made a secret place their hideout to escape from the German soldiers. It was here that Anne Frank started writing her thoughts in a diary she received on her birthday. Annie recorded everything that happened in this secret place in her diary.

Anne Frank studying at her school in the Netherlands.  The photo is from the 1940s.

Anne Frank studying at her school in the Netherlands. The photo is from the 1940s.

On August 1, Annie wrote something in her diary for the last time. On 4 August, 7 people along with Annie were arrested by German soldiers and sent to the concentration camp. Anne Frank died of illness in this concentration camp.

Annie’s Diary was first published in Dutch in 1947. By February 1948, more than 20 thousand copies of this book were sold. In 1952 this book was translated into English. Today, Annie’s Diary has been translated into more than 70 languages, with millions of copies sold.

1922: All telephones in the US and Canada were silent for a minute

10 March 1876. Alexander Graham Bell called his assistant and said – “Mr. Watson! Come here.”

These words of Bell were recorded in history. These were the world’s first words spoken on a telephone call. This gave birth to a new communication revolution in the world.

After this invention of Bell, the telephone became quite famous. Bell also formed his own company called Bell Corporation, which dealt with the manufacture of telephones. However, two years after forming the company, Bell resigned from the company’s board of directors and engaged in research and social service.

Alexander Graham Bell with his family

Alexander Graham Bell with his family

By August 1922, 140 million phones had been sold across America. Graham Bell died on 2 August 1922. He was buried on this day in 1922. All phones were turned off for a minute across the US and Canada to pay tribute to Bell.

4th August is also remembered because of these important national-international events…

2018: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was attacked by a drone during a live TV event. However, Maduro escaped the attack.

2007: The US launched the space probe Phoenix. The same mission detected water and ice beneath the surface of Mars.

2000: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 100th birthday. She is the first member of the royal family to cross the age of hundred.

1961: America’s first black president, Barack Obama, was born.

1914: After Germany joined the First World War, Britain also announced its entry into the war.

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