Today’s History: 72 years ago Hindi became the official language, since 1953, Hindi Day is celebrated every year on 14 September.

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  • Hindi Diwas: Today’s History Today’s History 14 September | Why do we celebrate World Hindi Day?

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Today is Hindi Day. On this day in 1949, Hindi was given the status of the official language of India. In fact, when India became independent in the year 1947, there were many big problems in front of independent India. One of the problems was with the language. Hundreds of languages ​​and dialects were spoken in India. In such a situation, deciding what would be the official language was a big challenge. However, Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India. This is the reason why the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi called Hindi the language of the masses.

After a long discussion, the Constituent Assembly decided on 14 September that Hindi would be the official language of India.

It is mentioned in Article 343(1) of the Constitution. According to this, the official language of India is ‘Hindi’ and the script is ‘Devanagari’. From the year 1953, for the promotion of Hindi, every year on 14 September, Hindi Diwas was started.

However, only after Hindi was chosen as the official language, the non-Hindi speaking states started protesting. The biggest opposition was coming from the states of South India. In view of the opposition, it was decided to make English the official language of India for the next 15 years after the constitution came into force, but as soon as this date started approaching, the movement of South Indian states regarding English started gaining momentum again. So the government had to bring the Official Language Act in 1963. This included keeping English the working language even after 1965. The states were also given the right to do official work in any language according to their wish. At present, 22 languages ​​have got official language status in the country.

Today, Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world. In our country, 77 percent people speak, understand and read Hindi.

1998: Microsoft became the world’s largest company

Microsoft was founded in April 1975. The company was valued at $261 billion on the New York Stock Exchange on September 14, 1998. With this, Microsoft surpassed General Electric to become the world’s largest company in terms of valuation for the first time.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates and co-founder Paul Allen.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates and co-founder Paul Allen.

According to Forbes, if you talk about the world’s most valuable brands at this time, after Apple and Google, the name of Microsoft comes to the fore. Brands like Amazon, Facebook, Coca-Cola also come after this.

1774: Birth of Lord Bentinck, who abolished Sati in India

Lord William Bentinck is known for the economic and social reforms made in India when he was the Governor-General, but India also suffered from his policies. Lord Bentinck was born on this day in 1774. He became the Governor of Bengal in 1828 and was the Governor General of India from 1833 to 1835. During this time he took many steps to improve the Indian judicial system.

Lord William Bentinck.

Lord William Bentinck.

The first major step was the removal of Parsi from the judicial system and the introduction of English in its place. He also entered English in Higher Education, which later opened the way for many Indians to study abroad. Apart from this, another step he took was to end the practice of Sati. At the same time, he made significant efforts to end human sacrifice, unwanted child killing and cheating.

Many scholars also say that Lord Bentinck introduced westernization in India and somewhere it became the reason for the freedom struggle of 1857.

The day of 14th September is remembered in history due to some other important events.

2016: India won its fourth medal in Paralympics.

2008: All 88 people on board were killed when Aeroflot 821 crashed at Perm airport in Perm Krai, Russia.

2007: Japan launched the first lunar satellite H-2A from the launch center in Tanegashia.

2006: Agreed in IBSA to enhance cooperation in nuclear energy. Announcement of the conferment of the Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibet’s spiritual exile, with the United States Supreme Court honor.

2003: Estonia joined the European Union.

2003: In Guyana-Bissau, the military overthrew the government of President Kumba Mala.

2000: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee addressed the joint sitting of both the houses of the US Senate, the Olympic torch reached Sydney.

2000: Microsoft launched Windows ME.

1999: Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga joined the United Nations.

1960: The mineral oil producing countries together established OPEC.

1901: US President William McKinley was shot dead in America.

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