Today’s history: 24 days before the independence of the country, how the national flag will be decided, every color involved in it and Ashok Chakra also got a new interpretation

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  • Today’s History (Today’s History) 22 July: Indian Flag Design by Pingali (or Pingale) Venkaiah

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On 22 July 1947, there was a meeting of the members of the Constituent Assembly in the Constitution Hall of Delhi. In this, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the adoption of a flag for independent India. There was a deep discussion about this in the meeting and it was decided that the flag of saffron, white and green should be made the flag of independent India with some changes. Thus, on this day in 1947, the Constituent Assembly approved the national flag.

The credit for making the present national flag of India goes to freedom fighter Pingali Venkaiah. The flag made by Venkaiah had red and green stripes, which represented the two major religions of India. In 1921, when Pingali went to Gandhiji with this, he advised to put a white color in the flag and also the spinning wheel. The white color represented the rest of India’s religions and the charkha swadeshi movement and being self-reliant.

Thousands of people held this flag in their hands during a peaceful protest in Nagpur in 1923. Subhas Chandra Bose also used this flag during the Second World War. However, there was controversy over linking the colors of the flag with religion. Many people started demanding to add mace instead of spinning wheel, while many people started demanding to add another ocher color to the flag.

Sikhs also demanded that either yellow color be added to the flag or all religious symbols should be removed.

In 1931, the Congress recognized this flag as its official flag. When the country’s independence was declared, there was a question before the Indians that what would be the flag of independent India?

To find an answer to this question, a meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on this day in 1947. In which it was decided that in place of the spinning wheel in the middle of the flag, Ashok Chakra should be installed.

After independence, India became a secular nation. Therefore the interpretation of the colors of the flag on the basis of religion was also changed. It was said that its colors have nothing to do with religions. The saffron color at the top symbolizes strength and courage, the white color in the middle of truth and peace and finally the green color symbolizes our relationship with the soil and the environment. In the middle of the flag, the Ashoka Chakra is the wheel of the law of Dharma and at the same time it is also a symbol of movement. It shows that ‘motion is life and stagnation is death’.

There has been no change in the flag of India since then. However, citizens of India were not allowed to hoist the national flag in their homes and shops on any day other than the national festival. Changes were made to the Indian Flag Code in 2002. Today every Indian citizen can hoist the national flag with respect in his home, shop, factory, office any day.

The most gruesome, brutal and organized massacre in human history began on 22 July 1942.

The most gruesome, brutal and organized massacre in human history began on 22 July 1942.

1942: Beginning of the Holocaust

It is believed that the most gruesome, brutal and organized massacre in human history began on this day in 1942. From the day of 22 July 1942, Nazi soldiers started the work of bringing Jews from Warsaw to the concentration camp in Treblinka. It is said that more than 9 lakh Jews were given painful death in this camp alone.

Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933 and with this the persecution of Jews started increasing. Hitler believed that the Germans had a superior race and that the Jews were a parasite here. If Germany is to become a world power, the Jews will have to be eliminated.

Hitler created separate areas for the Jews, which were called Ghetto. All the Jews in the area were kept as prisoners in these ghettos. Each Jew’s identity was erased and given only one number.

The Second World War began with Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Wherever Germany occupied after winning the war, thousands of camps and detention sites were prepared. The captured Jews were brought to these camps.

A similar camp was built in Treblinka, 80 km from Warsaw, the capital of Poland. This camp was built in July 1942 and was part of the ‘Final Solution’ plan of the Nazis. On this day in 1942, the beginning of bringing Jews here started.

Jews were brought here from Warsaw like animals in a train. After being brought to the camp, everyone’s clothes were taken off and everyone was locked in a big closed hall. After that, carbon monoxide gas was released from the roof to kill the Jews. People used to suffocate due to this poisonous gas and they used to die in agony. This Holocaust lasted till 1945.

The day of July 22 is also remembered because of these important events in history.

2019: Chandrayaan-2 took off from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota.

2012: Pranab Mukherjee became the 13th President of India.

2009: The world witnessed the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century. This solar eclipse was seen from different parts of the earth for 6 minutes 38 seconds.

1991: Geoffrey Demar was arrested by the US police. Geoffrey had murdered 17 people and kept the bodies of all of them in his house. Geoffrey is believed to have eaten those dead bodies.

1933: Willie Hardeman Post became the first person to circumnavigate the globe by plane. He completed his journey in 7 days 19 hours.

1775: George Washington took command of the US Army. George Washington was the first President of America.

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