Today’s History: 21 Sikh soldiers fought with 14 thousand Pathans, seeing their valor, the British Parliament said – the whole of Britain and India is proud of you

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  • Afghan Pathan: Today’s History Today’s History 12 Sep | Battle of Saragarhi, Afghan Pathans were beaten up by 21 Sikhs

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Tirah area of ​​the North West Frontier Province. Now this place is in Pakistan. Situated at an altitude of about 6 thousand feet, there were 2 British forts in this area. These forts were in Gulistan and Lockhart. In the middle of these forts was the outpost of Saragarhi.

The infiltration of the British in their area was not liked by the local Pathan people. They used to attack these forts to drive away the British. The British had stationed five companies of the 36 Sikh Regiment under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel John Houghton. The command of Saragarhi was in the hands of Havildar Ishar Singh and 20 other soldiers.

On 12 September 1897, 12-14 thousand Pathans again attacked Saragarhi. To deal with these thousands of Pathans, 21 Sikh soldiers were present in the post. Seeing thousands of Pathans, the soldiers informed Colonel Houghton about this. Houghton was at the time at Lockhart’s Fort. He said that he would not be able to provide any help in such a short time.

21 Sikh soldiers decided to fight against thousands of Pathans single-handedly. The whole area resonated with the slogan ‘Bole so Nihal, Satshree Akal’.

21 soldiers forced the Pathans to retreat 2 times. The Pathans were unable to enter the fort. In the end, he decided that the wall of the fort would be broken and entered. When the Sikhs ran out of bullets, they started attacking with the bayonet in their rifles.

Gurudwara built in Amritsar in memory of the soldiers of Saragarhi.

Gurudwara built in Amritsar in memory of the soldiers of Saragarhi.

In the battle that lasted for 6 hours, 21 soldiers killed more than 600 Pathans. Although the fort was captured by the Pathans, but after 1 day the British got the fort back from the Pathans. Akshay Kumar’s film Kesari, which came in 2019, is based on this war.

1919: Hitler’s entry into politics

Dictator Adolf Hitler attended the German Workers’ Party meeting for the first time on this day. From here he was fond of joining politics and then what he did, he put history to shame.

Corporal Hitler got the job of spying for the German Workers’ Party. On 12 September 1919 he attended the first party meeting in Munich’s beer hall in plain clothes. After all the speakers had spoken, Hitler stood up and expressed his disagreement with everyone.

Hitler (far right) had also been a part of the German army.

Hitler (far right) had also been a part of the German army.

His speech on the issue of nationalism was so powerful that he was invited to become a member of the party. Hitler became the general of the same party in two years. Later the name of this party was changed to Nazi Party.

Hitler’s party raised the issue of unemployment in Germany after the First World War. fueled anti-Semitism. By 1930 the Nazi Party had become a major force in Germany, and in 1933 Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. The dictatorship was at its peak and it is said that to hide his failures, Hitler brought the world to the door of the second world war.

1959: Russia reached the moon

The Soviet Union launched the Luna-2 spacecraft on this day in 1959. This was the second spacecraft launched in the direction of the moon. It was the world’s first man-made object to touch any planet-satellite in the Solar System. Earlier it was to be launched on 9 September, but due to technical problem, the launch had to be postponed.

This is how Luna-2 looked like.

This is how Luna-2 looked like.

This spacecraft had such a system that it was releasing sodium gas, so that it could be tracked in space. It was also discovered that how the gas behaves in space. After 33.5 hours of flight, this spacecraft crashed on the surface of the moon.

1944: US Army entered Germany

On this day in 1944, the US Army entered Germany for the first time. Germany has been an important part of America’s defense strategy in Europe since the end of World War II. After the end of the war, Germany was occupied by the Allies for 10 years. The US Army was part of it. However, the army’s numbers gradually dwindled.

The day of September 12 is also remembered in history because of these events.

2007: Russia tests non-nuclear vacuum bomb.

2006: Attack on the US embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus.

2004: North Korea decided to continue its nuclear program.

2002: Maoists propose ceasefire in Nepal.

2001: America declared war on terrorism.

2000: International Ayurveda conference begins in New York.

nineteen ninety eight: 16th Commonwealth Games begin in Kuala Lumpur.

1997: Kashmir was not mentioned for the first time after 48 years in the annual report of UN operations.

1997: After a journey of 435 million miles, the ‘Mars Global Surveyor’ vehicle reached the orbit of Mars.

1991: Space Shuttle STS 48 (Discovery 14) was launched.

1966: Indian swimmer Mihir Sen swam across the Dardanelles Strait.

1928: 6000 people died in Florida due to severe storm.

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