Time to Shed Extra Kilos! Fitness Tips For New Moms

No matter how enthusiastic you were about fitness before pregnancy, if you’re looking to get back into your normal routine after giving birth, it will require special thought and time. After the birth of a child, it becomes difficult to get back to your fitness routine. It may sound simple, but jumping back on the treadmill or joining your Pilates classes can be tough, both mentally and physically.

The first thing you have to keep in mind is to go slow. Choose a routine that’s right for you that balances your convenience and the needs of a new mom. If you’re confused where to start, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

postpartum exercise

Start with a combination of cardio, strength training, and low-intensity aerobic exercise, which help strengthen muscles, increase energy, relieve stress, promote better sleep, and shed excess pregnancy weight.

pelvic floor exercises

Pregnancy affects your core strength; So newbie moms need to focus on building and strengthening muscles and getting back to pre-pregnancy fitness levels. For that, pelvic floor exercises such as plank, side-plank leg lift, glute bridge and many others are the best recommendations. These can be easily done at home without any equipment.

diaphragmatic breathing

It is recommended to start within the first few days after giving birth. It’s very simple, and all you need to do is take a few minutes each day to relax and focus on your breath to calm your mind and reduce stress. Diaphragmatic breathing improves core stability and slows the rate of breathing.

Swiss Ball Bird Dog Hold

This exercise is excellent for improving stability and posture and reducing lower back pain. This can easily be done at home using only an exercise ball for stability.


Walking is a very simple yet effective exercise to stay active. It improves blood-oxygen level and increases energy. It freshens you up and is a low-intensity steady-state cardio exercise. Walking also helps in increasing stamina and keeps you active and mindful.

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