Tiger menace: Villagers asked not to come out at night Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: People living in Antarsanthe and surrounding villages Nagarhole Tiger Reserve People in HD Kote taluk have been warned not to step out of their homes unnecessarily at night. was announced by Forest Department, after a cow is killed by a tiger, in a cattle shed.
A tiger, suspected to be a male, had entered Antarsanthe village, and killed the cow, which was in the cattle shed of a house. The incident sent a chill down the spine of the residents, who demanded that the forest dwellers immediately trap the tiger, before the loss of human life.
The villagers had seen the tiger and its pug marks near the village and informed the forest department recently. Forest workers had installed camera traps at some places. The cameras had captured some pictures of the tiger roaming the village.
The forest officer of the Antarasanthe range said that the forest workers have sent the pictures of the tiger captured in the camera trap to the Tiger Cell at Aranya Bhavan in Bengaluru for documentation.RFO) Siddharaju. The experts of SAIL will analyze the tiger’s unique features like stripes by comparing it with photographs in its database to identify the tiger. This cell will provide the forest dwellers the details of the tiger’s age, sex, past sightings and movements, which will help in taking further action.
Siddaraju said a cage has been kept near the carcass of the cow, which was killed by the tiger two days ago, to capture the tiger as the animal can come back there.
Meanwhile, the department is spreading awareness among people through forest workers and village leaders to avoid stepping out of their homes from 6 pm to 8 am, to leave water for their crops in their fields, or To attend to nature’s call, as a tiger found nearby Mahadeshwar Temple In the interstate. The forest workers requested the villagers not to leave their cattle outside during night time and inform the forest workers if they see movement of tiger or leopard in their area.
“The tiger killed a head of cattle on January 2 DCF and other officials visited the spot and inspected the area. To prevent any untoward incident, we have asked the villagers not to come out of their homes at night. We are hoping to catch the tiger soon, the RFO said.
