Thyroid Awareness Month: Check out for these symptoms, do not eat these foods – what endocrinologist says

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland located at the front of the neck, which secretes thyroid hormones, plays a very important role throughout our lives. Dr. Sachin Kumar Jain, Head, Department of Endocrinology, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, explains, “Its importance really comes from the fact that it secretes thyroxine and is present in the growing fetus from the 12th to the 14th week. This is important. for the growth and development of every metabolic process from the embryo to the end of life.”

Thyroid Problems: What Causes Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

The main functional diseases are known as hypothyroidism, meaning a low amount of hormone, or hyperthyroidism, meaning an increased amount of hormone present in the body. These diseases occur when the amount of hormones in the body decreases or due to some reason the amount of hormones increases.

So what are the factors that lead to thyroid hormone imbalance? Dr. Sachin Kumar Jain says, “There are many causes of hypo or hypothyroidism. It is very common due to autoimmune diseases, like Hashimoto’s disease, or due to iodine deficiency, or after thyroid gland surgery, or due to various radiations Hyperthyroidism is again autoimmune, such as Graves’ disease or a solitary nodule or multinodular goiter, or even after excessive exposure to iodine.

Hypothyroidism: Symptoms to Watch for

The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be varied. The most important symptoms, as Dr. Jain says, are:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • cold intolerance
  • slowing down of overall movement or slowing of movements
  • slow or slurred speech
  • Constipation
  • weight gain
  • hair fall,
  • dryness of hair
  • Anaemia
  • difficulty breathing
  • high blood pressure
  • decreased exercise capacity
  • heavy menstrual bleeding or frequent periods
  • decreased fertility
  • Increases the chances of spontaneous abortion in women
  • Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction in men
  • loss of memory
  • inability to remember things
  • muscle pain

Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms to Watch for

Dr. Jain lists the symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

  • Weight loss despite increased appetite due to increased metabolism
  • shortness of breath, palpitations and heat intolerance
  • excessive defecation or diarrhea
  • to sweat
  • Worry
  • Tremors of earthquake
  • increased pigmentation
  • hair thinning
  • cardiac rhythm disorders, especially atrial fibrillation
  • Swelling in front of neck—this is a gouty development

Thyroid problem: Food to be avoided

So, which food products or vegetables should be avoided?

Dr. Jain lists the dos and don’ts regarding diet in thyroid problems:

– If a person is taking a thyroid replacement dose and is taking it in the morning, the important thing to note is that no caloric food should be taken for one hour, so that adequate absorption can occur. So be it tea, coffee, milk or any breakfast cereal, it should be avoided for at least an hour; This is an important point.
On the other hand, iron, calcium etc. should not be taken immediately after taking the medicine. Large amounts of iodine in food should also be avoided.
When we talk about foods to avoid, we usually hear cauliflower, cabbage, kale, broccoli, spinach or mustard, soy, or gluten. Well, these are things that, if consumed in excessive amounts, can interfere with the substance that can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis. So, if you have a disease and are on replacement therapy, then there is no need to worry about these things.
– People who are prone to thyroid disease, such as if there are family members who have this disease and one of them has this disease, then they should avoid many of these things.

“I take this to mean that if a person has hypothyroidism, is obese, and eats a lot of salad etc., they can continue to take it, without being concerned about being unable to eat this or that There’s no need.” Dr. Jain says.

Also read: Thyroid problems linked to increased risk of dementia: Research

Thyroid Problems: Treatment

Hypothyroidism is treated with thyroid hormone replacement. “It depends on various conditions, especially the patient’s weight, and hormone replacement therapy should be given first thing in the morning. It is the same hormone that the body produces and distributes. Typically, treatment is lifelong, and The patient should be monitored frequently, and this should happen two or three times a year on his own and in our setting,” says Dr. Jain.

Regarding the treatment of hyperthyroidism, Dr. Jain explains that if it is Graves’ disease, the treatment is given with anti-thyroid drugs, and then, the patient should be monitored periodically, and dose-based is adjusted. on the condition of the disease. “Patients with Graves’ disease are treated with surgery as well as radioactive iodine,” says Dr. Jain. Some patients with hyperthyroidism due to subacute thyroiditis are also treated with a variety of other drugs, usually for a few weeks. Heals over a period of months.”