Thursday Thoughts: Motivational Quotes and Wishes to Boost Your Confidence

motivational quotes to boost your confidence
Image Source: Instagram/TRUECARECOUNSELING

motivational quotes to boost your confidence

Thursday Thoughts: Self-confidence is something that comes naturally to some people while many have to work for it. One’s happiness and mood go a long way in boosting their confidence. If not, positive words and compliments from others can instantly turn someone’s bad day into a good one. Positive words and motivational quotes work as a confidence booster for many people. So it is not a bad idea to make a habit of praising others daily to bring a smile on their face. It will uplift their confidence and their self-esteem and they will shine differently. Apart from this, regularly reading some amazing quotes that inspire and motivate, also helps in boosting confidence. So here is a list of motivational quotes that will boost your confidence instantly.

Quotes that will instantly boost your confidence:

  1. “You yourself, whoever you are in the whole universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha
  2. “If only you could feel important to the lives of the people you meet; how important you can be to the people you never even dreamed of. There is something in yourself that you Leave every meeting with another person.” – Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)
  3. “A healthy self-love means that we don’t feel compelled to tell ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, what we do with ourselves from time to time. Why spoil it. We feel comfortable doing things that add quality and beauty to life.” — Andrew Mathews
  4. “Remember, you’ve been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try accepting yourself and see what happens.” –Lewis L. Hey u
  5. “Stop thinking you’re doing it all wrong. Your path doesn’t look like anyone else’s because it can’t, it shouldn’t, and it won’t. — Eleanor Brown
  6. “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.” — Zen Shino
  7. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you alive. And then go and do all that. Because the world needs people who have come alive.” — Howard Washington Thurman
  8. “If you want to improve your self-worth, stop giving calculators to other people.” — Tim Fargo
  9. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel
  10. “Trust in yourself. Make yourself such that you can be happy for the rest of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the small, inner spark of possibility in the flames of achievement.” — Golda Meiro