Three-fold increase in cases of mental health concerns

The one thing citizens are grappling with is the current worry of contracting the coronavirus – a frightening paranoia eating into every aspect of life.

Clinical psychologists say digital ‘information overload’ is hardly any relief. People who have resumed work late are especially experiencing this anxiety or borderline fear.

Those who were once infected at the workplace are afraid to return. They are now asking the counselor for help in such facilities nimhans For mental health support. Parents have similar concerns as children slowly return to school.

according to dr Sanjeev Kumar Mohd, Assistant Professor, center for psychosocial support in Disaster Management (CPSSDM) National Institute of Mental Health And Neurosciences (Nimhans), though we are getting back to pre-Covid-19 normalcy, somehow, people are still scared of getting infected.

“They call the national helpline with questions related to vaccinations as jabs are mandatory before resuming work, especially for those who are employed abroad and are required to apply for visas to obtain vaccinations or certificates. are not able to. There is certainly a fear among them that they might get infected at the workplace. As most people work in different cities, they are often worried about what to do if there is a third wave after resumption of work. Will they return to their original residence or stay in the same city working from home? We advise many groups of people with concerns about resuming work, going back to the city, etc. Some are considering waiting for two months as others feel helpless as there is no option or job anywhere,” Dr Kumar told BM.

Giving the example of children, he added: “Although some parents are afraid to send their children to school, they do not want them to stay at home. For example, we got a call from a mother of four with behavioral concerns. Often, it takes about two months for babies to fully adapt to the behavioral changes. The children have spent more than a year and a half at home without school, which they have now adopted. They keep telling their mother that they want to stay at home and help with the household chores. He is finding it difficult to deal with it. Parents should not force children. They should talk to them and persuade them or seek professional help. ”



Akanksha Pandey, Consultant in Clinical Psychology at Fortis Hospitals, told BM that in the last one and a half years there has been a two to three-fold increase in the number of cases of mental health concerns – anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, health anxiety, somatic Symptoms and Burns: “Change is always challenging and demands adaptation. In 2020, we adapted to live through a pandemic, so it’s natural to expect the new normal post pandemic as well as to adapt to difficulties Important measures to maintain emotional well-being include maintaining physical and psychological hygiene. Psychological hygiene includes lifestyle changes, practicing yoga and mindfulness-based meditation, building better communication, proper sleep hygiene and professional help when needed. take is included.

The pandemic forced us to maintain physical distance but not emotional distance. It is very natural to experience anxiety, insecurities, anxiety, mood swings and depression. Maintaining emotional and social connectedness is important because it creates a sense of security and belonging, facilitates self-esteem, mood, and emotional regulation. ”

According to Pandey, although the Internet and technology are helpful, we need to be mindful of our digital engagement to avoid digital addiction: “It can be taken care of by spending valuable time without gadgets with family, friends, hobbies and alternative pleasurable activities. can be placed. A digital detox hour a day or so. The detox can be practiced every day during meals, family time, and my time off,” she said.

Doctor Sugami Ramesh, Senior Consultant, Clinical Psychology, Apollo Hospital, told BM: “We have seen many parents who are very eager to send their children to school as well as those who are afraid to resume work as before due to the fear of Covid-19 . Doubt in their mind keeps them worried. Parents are worried about sending their children to school, fearing a third wave is on the way and schools will resume.

They are worried that they may contract COVID as many children have returned to their native places in neighboring states where cases are high. The same concern is seen among employees who keep checking their colleagues whether anyone has traveled or visited their native place. ”

Children spent more than a year and a half at home without school…they have adapted…parents should not force, but talk to, and persuade or seek professional help.

– Dr. Sanjeev Kumar M, NIMHANS

How to identify issues?

Irritability, Frequent and unprovoked anger outbursts, Persistent low mood, Frequent crying spells, Repetitive negative thoughts affecting day-to-day activities, Sleep or appetite disturbances, Fear, Restlessness, Two weeks Experiencing a lack of interest for a longer period of time. All deterioration in quality of life can be red flags of underlying mental health disturbances that require professional help.

What about children?

Children often display emotions such as behavioral problems, temper tantrums, irritability, fear, anxiety and anger, disruptive behavior, sleep and appetite disturbances, difficulties with attention and concentration, as well as somatic presentation. Parents should not invalidate their feelings if a child is hesitant to go to school due to the fear of COVID-19. They should encourage expression, listen actively and adopt a non-judgmental attitude. Instead of removing the fear, they should remove it.


• Maintain daily routine and structure

• Avoid bottling. Express your feelings

• Engage in daily physical activities

• Ask for help in crisis

• Indulge in daily arts-based activities to get outside
