Three days training on scientific sheep/goat rearing concludes in Ganderbal – Kashmir Reader

SRINAGAR: A three day capacity building training program on “Scientific sheep and goat rearing and its role in allied business production” was organized by KVK funded by Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (MFAH&D), Government of India.

The training began on January 11, 2022 and ended on Thursday, January 13, 2022. The training was structured for capacity building in scientific sheep rearing. A total of 40 unemployed educated rural youth of district Ganderbal participated in the training.
Valedictory session was held today on 13th January, 2022 at 3:00 PM in the conference room of KVK Ganderbal. Dr. Shafat A. Fellow (Scientist) welcomed the dignitaries and participants. Dr. Javid Ahmed Bhat, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Ganderbal presented the progress of the training given to the trainees.

Participants presented positive feedback and expressed satisfaction with the training material, lectures and practical demonstrations.
Professor Sheikh Muzaffar, Associate Director Extension, SKUAST-K, who was the chief guest on the occasion, in his concluding remarks emphasized on taking up more such skill training in the fields. He motivated the trainees to venture into the small ruminant sector and make the Kashmir Valley self-sufficient in this industry, as there is a huge demand for mutton. Dr. Parvez Ahmed Dar, the coordinator of the training proposed vote of thanks to the dignitaries. He suggested the trainees to form self-help groups and adopt modern techniques for successful entrepreneurship in this field.