Those not satisfied with delimitation panel’s proposals should move the commission: Jammu and Kashmir LG | India News – Times of India

SRINAGAR: J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday said that the delimitation commission was constituted under a law passed in Parliament and those having reservations with its proposals should lodge the same with it in written form.
“Election Commission is an independent authority and Delimitation Commission is working under it. If somebody has any reservations with the panel’s proposals, they should send it to the Commission in written form. If a common citizen too has any reservations, the same should be sent to the Commission so that a healthy public debate takes place,” Sinha told reporters on the sidelines of a function at Bajalta in Jammu,
The allocation of additional seats in the J&K legislature proposed by the delimitation commission was greeted with protests by parties in the Kashmir Valley, which say that the recommendation is aimed at favoring the Jammu division over the Muslim majority Valley.
The commission has proposed an extra six seats for the Jammu region, which will take its total representation in the legislature to 43 from 37, while only an increase of one seat has been recommended for Kashmir, which will come to have 47 seats if the draft advice is given effect in the current form.
