This weekend, catch Rushdie, Archer and Beth Rickles at Times Litfest – Times of India

New Delhi: You don’t have to be a teenager to know about Beth Rickles. The 25-year-old is the author of ‘The Kissing Booth’, a youth-adult-romance book series whose recent film adaptations may have popped up on the front page of your OTT platform as the most-watched.

Reekles was 15 when she first wrote and uploaded ‘Kiss Booth’ chapter by chapter on an online writing host website, where readers could comment on each chapter and leave feedback. When views on her chapters grew from a few hundreds to over 19 million in no time, Rickles found herself signing a three-book deal with Penguin Random House. This Saturday at 6.20 pm, you’ll find the young writer at Times Litfest recounting her literary journey, where it all began: online.

Reeks will chat with writer Kiran Manral about what promises to be a power-packed weekend at the festival, featuring some of literature’s biggest superstars. On September 4 at 5 pm, English legend Jeffrey Archer – whose latest ‘Turn a Blind Eye’ was launched digitally in India by the non-profit Prabha Khaitan Foundation – with author Ravi Subramaniam in ‘The Master and His’ Will talk in a session called. Art’ while on Sunday evening author Salman Rushdie – whose future works will be published on a newspaper platform – will draw on life and storytelling in a session called ‘Decoding Quichote’.

In addition to the greats of the writing world, this weekend’s series also features a rockstar from the podcasting world. Guy Raaz, an independent producer whose podcasts are collectively listened to by nearly 19 million listeners a month, will share with the success secrets of top businesses on Sunday at 6.20 p.m. Raj – who has interviewed and profiled more than 10,000 people including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Taylor Swift – is the founder and CEO of Built-It Productions, a two-time New York Times bestselling author and a former journalist who has covered The War. And everything from conflict zones to sports and entertainment.

(Sessions can be viewed at


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