This is how General Rawat got NDA seat: A question had told that this ‘soldier’ ​​is not going to lose, the quality of sticking to the decision till the end

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General Bipin Rawat, who earned the credit of becoming the country’s first Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), died on Wednesday in a helicopter crash. In the eyes of those who knew General Rawat, who was considered very close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the image of this country’s highest army officer was that of a solid decision-maker and once a decision was made, one who stuck to it. It was this quality of sticking to his decision that got him a seat in the National Defense Academy (NDA) to become an army officer.

General Bipin Rawat used to look like this in childhood.

General Bipin Rawat used to look like this in childhood.

I myself told this story to the students
General Rawat himself had shared this story of getting NDA seat in a program with the students. According to a media report, General Rawat had addressed a program a few years ago to students preparing to become officers in the Indian Army. Then he shared this story with everyone.

General Rawat had told the students that he had also cleared the NDA written exam after passing out in school. This exam is conducted after class-12 to get entry into the National Defense Academy (NDA) located in Khadagwasla. General Rawat had told that after passing the written exam, he had gone to Allahabad to give an interview.

Bipin Rawat had told that the interview was to be held in the Service Selection Board (SSB) in Allahabad, which takes Brigadier level officers. There is rigorous training and physical testing for 4-5 days before the interview. He said that after the testing, when it came time for the interview, we were all being called 1-1 to the room.

General Bipin Rawat (in the second black uniform from left) after getting commissioned in the army

General Bipin Rawat (in the second black uniform from left) after getting commissioned in the army

General Rawat was nervous in the interview
General Rawat said, ‘When my turn came, I got nervous seeing a Brigadier rank officer in front, just like a new boy becomes. In the interview, first general questions were asked and then asked what is your hobby. I said I love trekking. General Rawat said that after this the toughest question of the interview was asked. The Brigadier asked that if you have to go on a trekking which is going to last for four to five days, then name the most important item you would like to have with you?’

General Rawat told the match box the most important item
In response to the question asked in NDA, General Rawat said that in such a situation he would like to keep a matchbox with him. The Brigadier pressured him to choose the answer to keep several other items, but Rawat did not change his decision. Then he was asked that why did he choose the match?

Then Bipin Rawat said, I can do many things while tracking with the match box. When man progressed from the primitive age, he also considered the discovery of fire as the biggest success. So I realized that the matchbox might be the most important piece of my tracking gear. This reply of General Rawat forced the Brigadier to choose him as an NDA student.

General Bipin Rawat with wife Madhulika Rawat after marriage.

General Bipin Rawat with wife Madhulika Rawat after marriage.

Not changing under pressure will bring you success
General Rawat said that after mentioning the match, I did not change my decision despite all the pressure and this thing played an important role in my selection. He told the students that in life you too have to face such occasions many times. In such a situation, sticking to your decision and proving it right will only lead you on the path of success.

Six occasions, when General Rawat did not change his decision

  • With his battalion standing in a standoff along the border with China in Arunachal Pradesh in 1987
  • Succeeding the UN Peacekeeping Mission in 2008 in the Republic of Congo
  • Decision to take action against terrorists hiding in Myanmar in the North-East States in 2015
  • A key role in the decision to conduct surgical strikes in Pakistan after the Uri attack in 2016
  • Challenge the Indian Army to China for 73 days at Doklan on the Bhutan border in 2017
  • Continuing to challenge China on the border after its attack in Galwan Valley of Eastern Ladakh in 2020

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