Thinning Hair Troubles? Expert Explains Do’s And Don’ts To Follow For Hair Growth

By Dr Deepali Bhardwaj

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your thinning hair? Have you tried countless hair products to no avail? The problem of hair loss in men has troubled the society for decades, but now it is becoming a matter of concern for the younger generation. What is the fault in this? The storm of pollution, stress, pandemic anxiety, work pressure and exposure to harmful chemicals is wreaking havoc on the health of our hair.

Although hair loss may not cause physical pain, the emotional distress caused by it can be unbearable. But don’t worry, there is a solution to this growing concern. Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj MBBS, DVDL, MD (USA.IM) FEADV (Germany), FISD (Iran) shares valuable insights and effective methods that can help you regain your hair and boost your confidence.

understanding the child development cycle

Did you know that your hair goes through a cycle of growth that consists of three phases? First, there is the anagen phase, where your hair actively grows. This phase can go on for years! In men, male hormones called androgens speed up the hair cycle. Then comes the catagen phase, where your hair stops growing and separates from the follicle, the structure under the skin that holds the hair in place. This stage lasts for about 10 days. Finally, the telogen phase occurs, where the follicle rests for two or three months before the hair falls out and new hair begins to grow in the same follicle. Hair patterns differ greatly between men and women, with hormones playing a key role in preserving the oval shape of the hairline and reducing recession.

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reasons for thinning hair in men

Genetics plays an important role in the onset of hair loss. However, to assume that you are destined to be bald because your parents went bald in their 60s is a misconception. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss, can appear any time after puberty and may gradually intensify over years or decades. This condition occurs when a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binds to hair follicles and causes them to shorten, resulting in hair becoming progressively thinner and shorter until the follicle stops producing hair altogether. . DHT is produced from testosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. Unfortunately, many men with this condition eventually go bald. Hormonal imbalance can also contribute to hair loss in men. These imbalances can occur on a spectrum, from minor to significant, and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as age, environment, lifestyle, emotional state, and medical conditions.

Interestingly, hair loss can be caused either by insufficient levels of testosterone or by excess of estrogen. Underlying health conditions can also cause hair loss, including telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, alopecia areata, tinea capitis, cicatricial alopecia, lichen planopilaris, and hair shaft abnormalities.

Tips To Deal With Thinning Hair: Do’s and Don’ts

natural remedies

Have you heard about Bhringraj? It is a herb known in Ayurvedic medicine for its hair growth benefits. Some studies have even suggested that Bhringraj extract is more effective than Minoxidil for hair regrowth! Additionally, Chinese hibiscus is widely marketed in India for its positive effects on hair follicles. Although more research is needed, adding saw palmetto to your diet may also promote hair growth with minimal side effects.


In India, doctors often recommend taking minoxidil twice a day for hair growth. However, it is important to exercise caution and not use it more than twice a week. Though regular use of this medicine can lead to noticeable improvements, discontinuing its use can lead to rapid hair loss. It is advised to limit its usage to avoid any adverse consequences.


Taking weekly scalp steams can reduce miniaturization of hair follicles by promoting blood circulation. It nourishes the hair follicles and helps in hair growth.

prp technology

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a safe and widely used procedure to combat hair loss and thinning hair. When performed correctly by a skilled dermatologist, it has minimal risk. The success of PRP treatment depends on factors such as the centrifugation technique, the material of the tube used, and the expertise of the dermatologist. PRP injections have shown promising results in not only preventing hair loss but also thickening thinning hair roots and promoting healthy hair growth.

prescription drugs

Finasteride and dutasteride are commonly prescribed pills for the treatment of hair loss. It is important to note that these drugs require at least three months of daily use to see results, and should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision. Concerns about side effects such as impotence are common among men. However, when prescribed according to weight and age, these drugs are generally safe and do not cause impotence. As a precaution, doctors usually limit the duration of the prescription to six months.

hair transplant

Hair transplant is a relatively simple and safe procedure, provided you choose a qualified and experienced doctor. Positive results can be obtained if the donor area is healthy and the doctor is competent. However, in recent times, the market has been flooded with non-specialists offering various procedures under different names, leading to confusion among people seeking treatment. Additionally, some clinics charge exorbitant fees, making it challenging to determine which clinics offer reliable services and value for money. provide. The gold standard of hair transplant procedures is FUE and FUT. Therefore, it is important to choose a trained dermatologist or plastic surgeon with sufficient experience in hair transplant. Now it is also good to check the credentials of the doctors as per NMC to ensure the degree of the treating doctor to save yourself from the ongoing malpractices through the government website.

Maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle, reducing stress and exposure to harmful chemicals, and making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and reducing the use of excessive hair gel and hair colour, contribute significantly to the problem of hair thinning. can give. In the early stages, a variety of methods such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment, twice-weekly application of minoxidil, or using other hair tonics can yield positive results, especially when accompanied by a light scalp massage during application.

The important factor is to increase vascularization, which promotes better blood circulation, which can also be achieved through light massage while shampooing with mild products during the shower. Additionally, it is important to emphasize the importance of water quality. Choosing soft, chemical-free water can greatly benefit the overall health and appearance of your hair. So follow some of these and enjoy your hair but the main thing is no stress for the hair! In trained hands, it is treatable to varying degrees at any age.