These five foods can help you increase your height

A good height is an important part of one’s physical appearance. Many people believe in following a strict regime so that they or their kids can achieve good height. It is true that exercise and physical activity are integral parts of development, but the role of nutrition in this cannot be ignored. Following a strict healthy diet which is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is very important not only for good height but also for a healthy body.

Usually the height of a person increases from 18 years to 20 years of age. After that age, growth is almost negligible. As a result, it is extremely important to have a healthy diet from the very beginning.

Here is a look at five foods that will not only help in increasing height but will also take care of your bone density.

Beans: Green vegetable is rich in protein which helps in increasing height. Apart from this, the vegetable also contains folate and fiber, which is also very beneficial for health.

Chicken: It is a rich source of protein which helps in building muscles and tissues. Regular consumption of chicken can help in increasing the height.

Eggs: There is no better food than eggs in terms of body fitness. Eggs are a rich source of protein and it not only helps in increasing height but also helps in strengthening bones. Eating eggs daily is very beneficial.

Milk: People often refer to milk as a complete food. It contains healthy ingredients like protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is also great for bone health and general development of the body.

Almonds: Dry fruit is a jam rich in many minerals and vitamins. Its beneficial properties include manganese, fiber and magnesium. Apart from this, it is also rich in Vitamin E.

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