These Brilliant Onion Hacks Will Surprise You

Onions are used in almost every dish. It undoubtedly improves the taste of food. But did you know that it can be used for more than just consumption? Vegetable can be used especially to fix small kitchen issues.

Today we are going to talk about some such unique benefits of onions that will make your kitchen work much easier.

oven cleaning

Cleaning an oven and grill can be tricky, but with the help of onions, it can be done easily. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of onions are particularly useful in this situation. Clean the grill rod and oven from the onion, which has been peeled and cut into round slices. It also kills the bacteria that contaminate the food.

prevents bad odor

Burning of rice while cooking food or spilling due to over boiling of milk on gas burner is common in all households. After this the kitchen is filled with a strange smell and it takes a long time for the smell to go away.

Onion can be very useful in such a critical situation. Whenever this happens, keep a few pieces of onion near the gas stove and it will absorb all the smell in no time.

Keeps your fruits fresh

When a cut fruit is left for a long time, the oxidation process is triggered, and it starts to brown and spoil. The sulfur and moisture present in onions help slow down this process and keep fruits like avocados and apples fresh for longer.

removes rust

Onion juice is also effective in removing rust. Rust is often caused by moisture in kitchen utensils, knives, and spoons and does not go away no matter how many times you clean it with soap.

In this case, onion can be very useful. When the knife starts rusting, keep it inside the onion and leave it for some time, then take it out and clean it; The rust will disappear. Similarly, rubbing onion juice on the rusty area for a few minutes also gives the same result.

Moisture and dew on car windows is a common problem during winters. Due to this, those who drive early in the morning have to face a lot of problems. If pieces of onion are rubbed on the windshield at night, the frost will not settle on the windshield the next morning.

Onion is also said to be beneficial for hair. It is used in a variety of home hair care treatments. Onions are rich in sulfur, which promotes hair growth.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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