These 5 foods can get stuck in your baby’s throat, be careful

Apart from health, parents are always vigilant about what their children put in their mouths. Children have a habit of putting things in their mouth which can be dangerous at times.

Here are the most common foods that can get stuck in your baby’s throat.


Avoid handing your child large pieces of fruit. They should be cut into very small pieces so that they can swallow them easily if they do not chew the piece.

Caution should also be taken with other similar items like chocolates, toffees etc. All these foods should be broken into small pieces before giving them to children.


Like fruits, biscuits should also be broken into small pieces that your baby can swallow easily, without getting stuck in his throat.


Even though popcorns are already of a small size, babies may find it difficult to swallow them. Thus, parents should be extra careful by breaking it into two or three pieces.

Talking while eating should also be avoided. Start discouraging your children from an early age to speak while eating. Getting something stuck in the throat can be fatal not only for babies but also for adults.

Also, small items like buttons, pen caps, stationery items and coins should be kept away from newborn babies.

There’s no doubt that parenting is tough, but it’s hardest when your kids haven’t learned to stand on their own feet. Parents are constantly on guard during that time, which can be extremely tiring.

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