The Scotsman in the Curry Universe | Outlook India Magazine

Scottish actor James Cosmo No one makes plans, trusts the universe to send him stuff – no, not space junk but things that sustain him in a universe of popularity, success and satisfaction. like game of Thrones, or amazing lady, or Jagame Thandiram South Indian star Dhanush’s, his latest. Lachmi Deb Roy Spoke on Zoom with 73-year-old Cosmo in Budapest where he is shooting his next film. Part:

Your Indian Experience: I was only there for a week, sadly. I wanted to stay for a month. It is an extraordinary country with so many cultures, traditions and languages ​​in every state. No matter how many times a person comes to India, he cannot say that he is familiar with India. It is absolutely fascinating. And being from Scotland, I love Indian food.

Curry Tales: Curry is a common name for Indian food. But curry is the national dish of Scotland. We have Indian restaurants in Scotland and UK and…


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