The sad consequence of repairing a water pipe is that the teenager gets electrocuted

The result of freshman turned out to be that teenager. In the meantime they also had a festival. The family was devastated. The teenager died due to electrocution while repairing a water pipeline. The name of the deceased is Aaqib Raja. The incident is from Shibpur area of ​​Howrah. According to local and family sources, Aaqib was talking to other people of the neighborhood on Wednesday morning. During this, he saw that water was coming from a multi-storey pipe in the area and the road was flooded. Seeing the dirty water coming out of the road, Aaqib did not sit still. Proceed to repair the pipe.

Meanwhile, Aqib’s family claimed that the pipe had an electric wire attached to it. As soon as he touched the pipe, he got caught in the current. Perhaps unknowingly Aaqib dropped the electric wire from his hand. Then he fell. He was also taken to a local hospital after the incident. But doctors declared him brought dead. Meanwhile, residents complained that the area was open for hooking up. Aaqib’s hand touched that wire. He died before he knew it. People have repeatedly complained to the electricity department. Police have also been informed. But somehow the result does not match.

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