The restaurant will be open for a long time from Sunday, the owners assured to follow the restrictions

Corona infection is increasing once again in the state. In such a situation, the government has again banned the opening of restaurants. Many restaurant owners have become wary of the ban. Many people have once again raised the question that are all the restaurants really following the restrictions of the government?

According to a recent directive of the state government, the restaurant is going to be closed on October 31 between 11 pm and 11 am as the situation of corona is increasing continuously. It has also been instructed to leave 30 percent seats vacant in restaurants. Many restaurant owners are cautious about following the government’s ban. General Mabiswas, of a mall in the city, said he had been alerted to shut the restaurant by 11 pm. The last order is being taken accordingly or people are being kept in the restaurant. The head of many restaurant chains claimed, ‘Those corona rules are being followed. The last order is to be taken early so it has been brought forward in the restaurant which opens in the afternoon. Even if two doses are taken, many of us have to understand that no one can be seated at more than half the table in a restaurant.

Meanwhile, many have started questioning the government’s acceptance of these restrictions. According to him, many restaurants and bars along the bypass are not being closed on time. However, the owners of many restaurants said that the police had come and explained them. They have been warned about when to close the restaurant and how to follow the rules. However, according to many people, this time during the worship, their business has been more than in 2019. This time a large number of people have come to eat food in Poojo’s restaurant. However, after the worship, he will have to continue it this time also keeping in mind the situation of Corona.
