The matter of funding madrasas in UP: High court asked the Yogi government – can a secular state give financial help to institutions giving religious education

  • Hindi News
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  • Uttar pradesh
  • The UP government was asked whether any secular state could provide financial assistance to institutions imparting religious education; Complete information sought in 4 weeks

Prayagraj6 hours ago

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The court has asked the government whether madrassas giving religious education are protecting the faith of all religions under the fundamental rights?  - Dainik Bhaskar

The court has asked the government whether madrassas giving religious education are protecting the faith of all religions under the fundamental rights?

The Allahabad High Court has objected to the funds given by the UP government to madrassas. On Wednesday, the High Court raised the question whether secular states can fund religious education. The court also asked the government whether madrassas giving religious education were protecting the faith of all religions under fundamental rights? Justice Ajay Bhanot has sought answers to these questions from the state government within four weeks on the plea of ​​the managing committee of Madrasa Anjuman Islamia Faizul Uloom.

Court sought details of religious educational institutions from the government
Actually, the Managing Committee of Madrasa Anjuman Islamia Faizul Uloom has filed a petition in the court. This madrasa is recognized and operated with funds from the government. The madrassa had sought permission for recruitment to additional posts, which was rejected by the government. Against this the Madrasa had approached the High Court. On this, the court has asked these questions to the government. The court has sought detailed information from the state government about recognized and government-aided religious educational institutions.

Allahabad Question to the government of the High Court…

  1. Can a sect and secular state provide financial assistance to educational institutions imparting religious education?
  2. Are madrassas giving religious education protecting the faith of all religions under the fundamental rights enshrined in Articles 25 to 30 of the Constitution?
  3. Is the government funding religious educational institutions of other religious minorities as well?
  4. Are women barred from entering madrassas? If so, isn’t it discriminatory?

Now the next hearing on October 6
Allahabad High Court has given 4 weeks time to the government to make available the syllabus, conditions, standards of the financially aided madrassas and all other religious educational institutions. At the same time, the next hearing on the petition of the Managing Committee of Madrasa Anjuman Islamia Faizul Uloom will now be held on 6 October.

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