The daily rate of positive COVID tests went above 2% for the first time since March

The daily rate of positive COVID-19 tests in Israel has exceeded 2 percent for the first time since March, according to health ministry data published on Monday morning.

Out of 67,676 tests, 1,398 new cases were identified on Sunday, a positivity rate of some 2.07%. Additionally, 506 cases were diagnosed between midnight and 10 am on Monday.

This took the number of active cases to 11,606, as the figure was nearly 200 less than six weeks ago.

The number of serious cases rose to 108, out of which the condition of 25 was stated to be critical.

The total death toll stood at 6,461 with the country registering a total of 861,516 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Director of Infectious Diseases Unit at Shiba Medical Center Prof. Galia Rahav told the Cannes public broadcaster that the rise in serious cases – they hit a low of 19 last month – was concerning and necessary action.

“We need to convince uneducated people to get vaccinated,” she said. “If we reach herd immunity, we will survive future lockdowns.”

The head of the infectious diseases unit and laboratory of Sheba Medical Center, Prof. Galia Rahav looks at data from COVID-19 patients (Courtesy of Sheba Medical Center)

The number of COVID patients in critical condition has only doubled in the last 10 days, but is still a fraction of the peak seen during the third wave in January, when there were over 1,200 serious cases. During the second wave in the fall, severe cases peaked at 850 in October.

Earlier this month, the coronavirus cabinet agreed that the “leading parameter” for imposing new COVID restrictions would be the measure of severe cases. At Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett vowed to continue the “emphasis on maintaining the livelihoods, economy, education and freedoms of Israeli citizens” through the use of masks and vaccines, rather than establishing new lockdowns.

Hebrew media reported that of the recent cases, 12 were of the so-called Delta Plus variant, another mutation of the ultra-infectious Delta strain. The majority of those cases were among returnees from Georgia, and were reportedly indications that there was more than one infection chain.

Health officials still don’t know whether the variant is more contagious or dangerous than the delta version.

However, from Monday night, passengers will not be allowed to visit or greet other people inside the terminals of Ben Gurion Airport in an effort to reduce infections there. Those accompanying a minor or a person with special needs would be exempted from that rule.

An Israeli youth receives a coronavirus vaccine in Peta Tikva on July 19, 2021. (Flash90)

health ministry statistics Reported Last week for the period between June 20 and July 17 indicated that the COVID vaccine has been only 39% effective in preventing transmission, but more than 91% effective in preventing severe cases. But some analysts have warned that vaccine effectiveness figures are prone to major inaccuracy due to a number of factors, including the question of whether there are accurate data on infection levels among non-vaccinated people, which is important for such data. is important.

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