Testing of Agni-5 missile today: The test has been successful for the first seven times, can hit 5000 km, China is in its range

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  • Agni 5 Missile Test Report Updated; DRDO News | Nuclear capable ballistic missile with 5000 km range

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India is about to test-fire the Agni-5 missile on 23 September. The missile is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and has a range of up to 5000 km. This will be the 8th test of Agni missile. All previous tests have been successful.

China is terrified by the news of this missile test. Actually many cities of China come under its range. After joining the army of this missile, India will join the elite countries of the world, which have nuclear-armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

Development started in 2008
India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) started work on Agni-5 in 2008. DRDO’s Research Center Imaran (RCI), Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), and Defense Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) jointly prepared it. It was earlier named Agni-3+, but was renamed as Agni-10 in 2010.

First test done with Rails Mobile Launcher
Its first test was done in Orissa on 19 April 2012, which was successful. This test was done with Rails Mobile Launcher. This was followed by the first canister test of the missile in January 2015. The missile was then launched from a road mobile launcher. The last test of the missile was done on 10 December 2018. The special thing is that so far 7 tests of the missile have been done, all have been successful. Agni-5 was set to be inducted into the army in 2020 itself, but due to Corona, the test got delayed.

India will be the 8th country to have ICBM
At present, only a handful of countries in the world have Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). These include Russia, America, China, France, Israel, Britain, China and North Korea. India will be the 8th country in the world to be equipped with this power.

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