Testicular cancer: symptoms and how to test yourself

There is so much misinformation about men’s health that they are deterred from going for regular health check-ups. Many health issues especially related to the sex organs of men are not discussed. One such is testicular cancer, also known as cancer of the testicles. The testicles are located inside the scrotum, a loose bag of skin under the penis, which produces male sex hormones and sperm for reproduction. However, it is rare but most common in the age group of 15 to 35 years. Health expert Dr Tanaya shared some important information on testicles through an Instagram post.

He told that testicular cancer can occur at any age. Here are some early symptoms of testicular cancer that one can suffer from

  • Sudden pain or swelling in the testicles or scrotum.
  • Lump in testicle.
  • Lower abdominal pain or back pain.
  • Enlargement of breast size in men.
  • A sudden collection of fluid in the testicles or scrotum.

According to the doctor, testicular cancer is rare and treatable, if it is diagnosed on time. However, it is essential to do self-exams at regular intervals and to check for symptoms of testicular cancer. He also noted that very few men with testicular cancer have pain at first.

Here are some ways to do a self-examination as described by Dr. Tanya:

Men are advised to do this self-exam ideally after a bath when the scrotum or ball sack is relaxed. Also, they must be done at least once a month.

Touch and feel the scrotum to see if there is any change in size, shape and texture. Check for any lumps, bumps, swelling, or pain in the testicles.

She mentioned that it is quite rare and treatable with early diagnosis. “With treatment, the risk of death from this cancer is low,” said the doctor.

People who face any of the above symptoms should consult their doctor as soon as possible and go for a health check-up.

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