Teesta appeared in Ahmedabad court: While being taken to court, shouted – I am not a criminal; Police said – not cooperating

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  • Taking him to the court, Teesta said, ‘I am not a criminal’; Police not cooperating in investigation said

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Gujarat Police produced activist Teesta Setalvad in Ahmedabad Magistrate Court. The police allege that Teesta is not cooperating in the investigation. Actually, Teesta Setalvad protested while being taken to the trial and said that he is not a criminal. She kept saying the same thing several times along the way.

Setalvad, who was detained from his Mumbai home, has been brought to Santacruz police station. After this Gujarat ATS brought him to Ahmedabad on Saturday night. He was produced in the court on Sunday. Gujarat Police registered an FIR against Teesta on Saturday.

Teesta Setalvad was detained by Gujarat ATS from her home in Mumbai on Saturday.

Teesta Setalvad was detained by Gujarat ATS from her home in Mumbai on Saturday.

Alleged conspiracy by making forged documents
In the Gujarat riots case, Ahmedabad Crime Branch has registered a case of conspiracy against Teesta Setalvad, former IPS Sanjeev Bhatt and DGP RB Sreekumar by making forged documents. Sanjeev Bhatt is already in jail, while Teesta and Sreekumar have now been arrested.

The Supreme Court had said that the role of Teesta should be investigated
The Supreme Court on Friday, June 24, dismissed the petition against the SIT report giving clean chit to the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Gujarat riots case. This petition was filed by Zakia Jafri. Zakia Jafri’s husband Ehsan Jafri died in these riots. The Supreme Court said that there is no merit in Zakia’s petition.

Home Minister Shah said: “Teesta’s NGO gave wrong information”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday slammed Teesta Setalvad’s NGO for giving baseless information about the Gujarat riots. Shah had also attacked the UPA government for helping his NGO.

Zakia Jafri used to work on someone else’s instructions
Speaking on the role of NGOs in the investigation of the riots, the Home Minister said, “The Supreme Court said that Zakia Jafri was acting on someone else’s instructions. This NGO has signed the affidavits of many victims and they do not even know. Everyone knows that Teesta Setalvad’s NGO was doing all this. The UPA government of that time helped the NGO a lot.

Teesta Setalvad (left) was Zakia Jafri's co-petitioner in the Gujarat riots case.

Teesta Setalvad (left) was Zakia Jafri’s co-petitioner in the Gujarat riots case.

Communal violence took place in Gujarat in 2002
On 27 February 2002, coach S-6 of the Sabarmati Express train was set on fire at Godhra station in Gujarat. 59 people were killed in the fire. All these were kar sevaks, who were returning from Ayodhya. Riots broke out all over Gujarat after the Godhra incident. 1,044 people were killed in these riots. At that time Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

On February 28, the day after the Godhra incident, 69 people were killed by an uncontrollable mob at Gulbarg Housing Society in Ahmedabad. Among those who died was former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, who lived in the same society. Due to these riots, the situation in the state had deteriorated so much that the army had to be launched on the third day.

Inquiry commission gave clean chit to Narendra Modi
On 6 March 2002, the Gujarat government constituted the Nanavati-Shah Commission to investigate the Godhra incident. Retired High Court judge KG Shah and retired Supreme Court judge GT Nanavati became its members. The commission presented the first part of its report in September 2008. In this, Godhra incident was described as a well-planned conspiracy. Also, a clean chit was given to Narendra Modi, his ministers and senior officers.

Justice KG Shah passed away in 2009. Due to which retired Judge of Gujarat High Court Justice Akshay Mehta became its member and its name was changed to Nanavati-Mehta Commission. It submitted the second part of its report in December 2019. In this also the same thing was reiterated, which was said in the first part of the report.

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