Tawaifs dance between midnight pyres in Kashi: worshiped Baba Masan on Manikarnika; asked for the boon of liberation from the tainted life; View VIDEO

Varanasi2 minutes ago

City brides danced throughout the night amidst blazing pyres at Manikarnika Ghat, the crematorium of Kashi. With this centuries-old tradition, Kashi gave a message to the country and the world that both life and death are festivals in this city of salvation.

According to the tradition on the Saptami night of Navratri, the city brides who came from all over the country in the court of Baba Mahashamshan Nath prayed to the wet eyelids with the chimes of the Ghungroos. He sang songs for freedom from the tainted life.

On one side there were relatives in sorrow by dedicating the body to the fire, and on the other side the city brides doing dance and music. To see this wonderful sight, not only Kashi, Shiva devotees had reached from every corner of the country.

See in pictures how the dance takes place between the blazing pyres…

The temple of Baba Mahashamshan Nath at Manikarnika Ghat was renovated by Raja Man Singh in the late 14th century.  After the construction of Baba's temple, no one came forward for songs and music on the occasion of gaiety, so the city brides sent a message that she wanted to come.

The temple of Baba Mahashamshan Nath at Manikarnika Ghat was renovated by Raja Man Singh in the late 14th century. After the construction of Baba’s temple, no one came forward for songs and music on the occasion of gaiety, so the city brides sent a message that she wanted to come.

On Saptami, city brides traditionally offer Nrityajanjali to Mahashamshaneshwar Mahadev.  There is a belief among these brides that their presence in the court of Baba Masan Nath will cut off the curse of their life.

On Saptami, city brides traditionally offer Nrityajanjali to Mahashamshaneshwar Mahadev. There is a belief among these brides that their presence in the court of Baba Masan Nath will cut off the curse of their life.

Raj Man Singh was pleased to receive the message of the city brides for the presentation of songs and music in the court of Baba Masan Nath.  He sent the chariots and called the city brides to the crematorium.  Since then this tradition is going on.

Raj Man Singh was pleased to receive the message of the city brides for the presentation of songs and music in the court of Baba Masan Nath. He sent the chariots and called the city brides to the crematorium. Since then this tradition is going on.

In the midst of the blazing pyres on the banks of the north river Ganga, the city brides pray to Baba Masan Nath that if the next birth is only of a daughter, then Lord, do not give such a tarnished life.  Along with this, get rid of the stigma and sin of this birth.

In the midst of the blazing pyres on the banks of the north river Ganga, the city brides pray to Baba Masan Nath that if the next birth is only of a daughter, then Lord, do not give such a tarnished life. Along with this, get rid of the stigma and sin of this birth.

City brides from all corners of the country come of their own free will to participate in this festival to be held at the Maha cremation ground Manikarnika Ghat.  While grooving in the court of Baba Masanath, he has only one wish from the wet eyelids to get rid of the tainted life in some way.

City brides from all corners of the country come of their own free will to participate in this festival to be held at the Maha cremation ground Manikarnika Ghat. While grooving in the court of Baba Masanath, he has only one wish from the wet eyelids to get rid of the tainted life in some way.

Before the start of the event, the court of Baba Masan Nath is decorated with flowers.  Then after offering Panchamkar, the aarti is performed by the Tantrokt method.  After this, a unique program of song and music is started with the permission of Baba Masan Nath.

Before the start of the event, the court of Baba Masan Nath is decorated with flowers. Then after offering Panchamkar, the aarti is performed by the Tantrokt method. After this, a unique program of song and music is started with the permission of Baba Masan Nath.

This raga-dispassionate festival of Manikarnika Ghat also tells about the truth of life.  This explains that Kashi is a symbol of vitality.  Here both birth and death are celebrated.

This raga-dispassionate festival of Manikarnika Ghat also tells about the truth of life. This explains that Kashi is a symbol of vitality. Here both birth and death are celebrated.

Shiva devotees from all over the country become witnesses of this unique event being held at the Maha cremation ground, Manikarnika Ghat.  Due to the Corona epidemic, common devotees were not able to participate in this event for the last two years.  But, once again on Friday night, devotees were seen proclaiming Har Har Mahadev in the old row.

Shiva devotees from all over the country become witnesses of this unique event being held at the Maha cremation ground, Manikarnika Ghat. Due to the Corona epidemic, common devotees were not able to participate in this event for the last two years. But, once again on Friday night, devotees were seen proclaiming Har Har Mahadev in the old row.

Shiva is in every particle of Kashi.  Both Shiva and the body are worshiped in Kashi.  Giving this message, the city brides departed from Manikarnika Ghat with wet eyelids.

Shiva is in every particle of Kashi. Both Shiva and the body are worshiped in Kashi. Giving this message, the city brides departed from Manikarnika Ghat with wet eyelids.

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