Tatanagar: Monitoring of RPF jawans being done by Google mapping, now jawans will do yoga: Senior Commandant | Rail Hunt

Jamshedpur : Onkar Singh, Senior Commandant of Chakradharpur Railway Division, who came to inspect Tatanagar RPF post, said that the security system of the station in Tatanagar is tight and there is a steady decrease in criminal incidents here. He is completely satisfied with the arrangement here. The Senior Commandant, who arrived in Tatanagar to inspect the security arrangements, told the media that at present the technology is also being used by the RPF. Now the soldiers are being monitored by Google mapping. This keeps track of their work area and location.

Onkar Singh, who reached Tatanagar on Friday, said that now apart from the post in-charge, one can monitor the location of any jawan from senior commandant to IG. He said that this would boost the morale of the soldiers and the senior officers would know how the soldiers were performing. On the tension arising out of Corona and the current situation, the Senior Commandant said that at present the officers and jawans of RPF have been vaccinated and now the jawans will be given yoga for stress relief. With this he will be able to perform the duty with a healthy mind and mind.

The Senior Commandant made it clear that RPF is serious about the safety of railway property as well as passengers and no laxity will be tolerated in this direction. He said that incidents of theft have happened in Tatanagar and fast action is being taken in pending cases. He expressed satisfaction over the arrangement of the post without naming the present in-charge Sanjay Kumar Tiwari. It is known that Tatanagar Post was in charge for a long time. After a long gap, when Sanjay Kumari Tiwari was posted, a list of long complaints against him has also been sent from the zonal headquarters of the RPF to the Delhi headquarters. He is still in the process of investigation.

After the inspection of Tata Post, the Senior Commandant also listened to the problems of the soldiers and also assured their solution. On this occasion, Assistant Commandant Kishore Chandra Nayak, post in-charge Sanjay Kumar Tiwari and others were present.

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