Tamil Nadu State Policy for Children 2021: Tamil Nadu gives priority to child protection. Chennai News – Times of India

Chennai: In the wake of the recent suicide by a girl student in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Government released on Saturday Tamil Nadu State Policy for Children 2021 Ensuring the prevention and protection of children from all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation.
The policy states that every child shall have access to quality healthcare and education and shall be able to express his views freely on any issue relating to him.
The policy, which was released by Chief Minister MK Stalin in Chennai, says, “The government will present and adopt child protection Policy in all panchayats and urban bodies to create child safe spaces across Tamil Nadu.
It also wants to introduce an all-in-one child protection policy. schools So that all schools can be safe for children.
Formation of Internal Complaints Committee in all schools under posh act (Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013) and strengthening of existing child protection systems such as village level child protection committees and neighborhood child protection committees and against all forms of violence against children Conducting awareness campaign. Negative impact on children, Access to law/institutions for redressal, Enforcement of highest standards of safety and security within all child care institutions, Build a preventive, responsive child protection system, Promote effective enforcement of law There are some measures that have been suggested in the policy to protect children.
It suggests allocating adequate budget in proportion to the state’s population, to upgrade rehabilitation services under child protection system with special focus on mental health and psycho-social support and ensuring privacy of children in need of care and protection. Is.
The policy suggests the creation of Bala Sabhas in all Gram Panchayats where all children in the age group of 12 to 18 years are members and they will meet at least four times in a year like Gram Sabhas and pass resolutions on matters relating to children and Will submit it to the village. The assembly should take appropriate action.
The government says the policy will be implemented by developing a comprehensive action plan in consultation with government agencies, civil society organizations and all stakeholders such as educational institutions and children.
