Taliban kills 20 civilians in Panjshir: Report

Panjshir Valley, Taliban, Afghanistan
Image Source: AP

Taliban kills 20 civilians in Panjshir

The BBC reported that at least 20 civilians have been killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley, which has seen fighting between militants and opposition forces. Communications have been cut off in the Valley, making reporting difficult, but the BBC has evidence of Taliban killings despite promises of restraint. Footage from the dusty roadside in Panjshir showed a man wearing military gear surrounded by Taliban fighters.

Gunshots were heard and he fell on the ground. It is not clear whether the person killed was a member of the military, as combat uniforms are common in the region.

The report said that a viewer in the video insisted that he is a civilian.

The BBC has established that there have been at least 20 such deaths in Panjshir. One of the victims was a shopkeeper and father of two children named Abdul Sami.

Local sources said the man would not flee if the Taliban advanced, adding: “I am just a poor shop owner and I have nothing to do with the war.” But he was arrested for selling SIM cards to resistance fighters.

A few days later his body was dumped near his house. Witnesses who saw his body said that it showed signs of torture.

When the Taliban came to power last month, only the Panjshir Valley came to power. Panjshir has long been a focal point of resistance in Afghanistan. Under the late opposition commander Ahmed Shah Massoud, the region repelled both Soviet forces and the Taliban.

The mountain peaks encircle the valley making it difficult for anyone to grasp it.

Footage from the ground shows once busy markets deserted. People are trying to escape as long queues of vehicles form under the rough peaks of the valley.

There have been warnings of shortage of food and medicine.

Read also | Pakistan shelters Taliban members including Haqqani network terrorists: Blinken

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