Taliban jackals raged: Wouldn’t be good if India sent military to Afghanistan; India’s bluntly – government formed on the strength of power is not valid

New Delhi22 minutes ago

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The Taliban, which has captured 19 provinces including Kandahar in Afghanistan, is now just an hour away from Kabul Airport. Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Mohammad Suhail Shaheen has warned India that it will not be good if India sends military to Afghanistan. You have seen the condition of the military of other countries in Afghanistan, so this issue is an open book. Taliban spokesman said this in a conversation with news agency ANI on Saturday.

Here India has also bluntly said that it will not recognize the government formed on the strength of force in Afghanistan. Apart from India, Germany, Qatar, Turkey and many other countries have appealed to stop the violence and attacks in Afghanistan immediately.

The Taliban claimed control of Sharna, the capital of Pattaya province, on Saturday morning.  A huge amount of weapons have been found here.  Taliban spokesman says that it has been captured after fierce fighting.

The Taliban claimed control of Sharna, the capital of Pattaya province, on Saturday morning. A huge amount of weapons have been found here. Taliban spokesman says that it has been captured after fierce fighting.

The Taliban spokesperson also said in an interview to ANI that the help that India has given to the people of Afghanistan and its projects is good. On the incident of removing the flag of Nishan Sahib from the Gurdwara in Paktia, Afghanistan, the Taliban spokesperson claims that the flag was removed by the Sikh community themselves. When our security officials went there, the Sikh community said that someone can damage the flag, but we assured them that nothing like this would happen, so they put up the flag again.

Taliban claims – embassies of other countries are not threatened
Taliban spokesman Mohammad Suhail Shaheen has claimed that embassies and officials of other countries do not face any threat from the Taliban. We have said this many times and this is our commitment. The Taliban spokesperson did not confirm reports of talks with the Indian delegation. He has said that Indian delegation was definitely involved in a meeting held in Doha last day, but we have not had any separate meeting.

When the Taliban spokesperson was asked whether he can give assurance that Afghanistan’s land will not be used against India. In response, he said that we are committed that Afghan land will not be used against any country. The Taliban spokesperson has denied Pakistan’s deep ties with terrorist organizations. He says that these allegations are made only because of certain policies and political goals.

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