Taliban arrests Afghan fashion model, says she ‘insulted’ Islam

According to a video released by Afghanistan’s new rulers, the Taliban have arrested a famous Afghan fashion model and three of her associates, accusing them of disrespecting Islam and the Muslim holy book, the Quran.

Ajmal Haqiqi – known for his fashion shows, YouTube clips and modeling events – was seen wearing handcuffs in a video posted on Twitter by the Taliban intelligence agency on Tuesday.

In a widely circulated and controversial video, Hakiki is seen laughing as his colleague Ghulam Sakhi – known for a speech impediment that he uses for humour – translates Quranic verses into a single Arabic language. Reads in a humorous voice.

Following the arrest, the Taliban released a video of Haqiqi and his associates, standing in light gray prison uniforms and apologizing to the Taliban government and religious scholars.

The video was accompanied by a tweet in Dari language, which said: “No one is allowed to insult the verses of the Quran or the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.”

Later on Wednesday, Amnesty International issued a statement urging the Taliban to release Hakiqi and his allies “immediately and unconditionally”.

Amnesty has documented several arbitrary detentions by the Taliban in Afghanistan, often with coercive statements in an attempt to stifle discontent in the country and prevent others from expressing their views.

Amnesty’s South Asia campaigner Samira Hamidi condemned the arrest and said that by “detaining Haqiqi and his associates and forcing them to apologize,” the Taliban “has launched a blatant assault on the right to freedom of expression.” His statement also condemned the Taliban’s “continued censorship” of those who want to express their views freely.

In Kabul, Taliban officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment and it was unclear what measures Model and her allies face under the Taliban-run judiciary.

The families of the arrested models could also not be immediately reached for comment.

Since they seized power in Afghanistan last August during the final weeks after US forces withdrew from the country, the Taliban have implemented strict measures and orders in accordance with a harsh interpretation of Islamic law, specifically the rights of women and minorities. to curb.

The move has raised international concerns that the radical Islamist group intends to rule as the last time the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in the late 1990s. The Taliban consider criticism and anything that insults Islam as a punishable offence.

Amnesty said that since their acquisition, the Taliban “have been using threats, harassment and violence on anyone who expresses support for human rights or modern values, especially human rights defenders, women’s activists, journalists and members of academia.” Used to be.”

The rights group urged the Taliban to “obey international human rights law and respect everyone’s right to freedom of expression without discrimination” as a de facto right in Afghanistan.