Taliban accused of killing pregnant policeman in front of husband, children: Report

He added that the Taliban has already announced an apology for those who worked for the previous administration. He said Negar was murdered out of “personal enmity or something”.

Ever since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they are projecting a different image from what is known globally, but there are reports that suggest otherwise. Several human rights groups have been documenting vengeful killings, detentions and persecutions of religious minorities.

Women’s rights activists in Kabul protested on Saturday demanding rights and representation in the new government, as demonstrations turned violent and Taliban forces prevented them from marching towards the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Tolo News reported that according to the protesters, Taliban forces used tear gas to stop the protest.

Earlier, a group of Afghan women activists demonstrated in Kabul on Friday, demanding equal rights in political life and a role in decision-making in the country’s future government.

The Taliban on Sunday gave details of how the segregation of the sexes would be enforced in universities. The comprehensive document said men and women would have to be separated and if necessary by a veil, according to an AFP report.

The report further noted that, ideally, women would be tutored by women, but “old men” of good character could step in if one is not available.

Additionally, female students must wear an abaya, or robe, and niqab, or veil.


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