Taiwan reports largest incursion ever by Chinese Air Force

Taiwan reports largest incursion ever by Chinese Air Force

Taiwan said it sent fighter jets to warn Chinese planes. (Representative)


Taiwan has reported the largest ever incursion by the Chinese air force into its air defense sector, with 38 aircraft flying in two waves on Friday as Beijing marked the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained of repeated missions a year or more by China’s air force near the democratically-ruled island, often south of its air defense zone close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands. in the western part.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry was the first to report that Taiwanese fighters had engaged in melees against 18 J-16 and four Sukhoi-30 fighters, as well as two nuclear-capable H-6 bombers and one anti-submarine aircraft.

Then in the early hours of Saturday, the ministry said another 13 Chinese aircraft were involved in a mission on Friday night – 10 J-16s, 2 H-6s and an early warning aircraft.

It said Taiwan sent fighter jets to warn Chinese planes while missile systems were deployed to monitor them.

According to a map released by the ministry, the first batch of Chinese planes flew over the area near the Pratas Islands, with two bombers flying closest to the atoll.

The second group landed in the Bashi Channel that separates Taiwan from the Philippines, a major waterway connecting the Pacific to the disputed South China Sea.

China has yet to comment on its activities. It has previously said such flights were to protect the country’s sovereignty and were aimed at “collusion” between Taiwan and the United States, the island’s most important international support.

The previous largest incursion took place in June, involving 28 Chinese Air Force aircraft.

China’s latest mission came less than a day after it attacked Taiwan’s foreign minister, citing revolutionary leader Mao Zedong’s words as a “scathing” fly for his efforts to promote Taiwan internationally. I was condemned.

China has increased military and political pressure to force Taiwan to accept Chinese sovereignty.

Taiwan maintains that it is an independent country and will defend its freedom and democracy.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
