Boris Johnson dialed PM Modi. Afghanistan, discussion on recognition of Indian vaccine certificate

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his British counterpart Boris Johnson on Monday discussed the…

‘Will make travel as easy as possible for Indians’: UK responds to India’s reciprocal sanctions

New Delhi: India on Friday decided to impose reciprocity on British nationals, under which UK nationals…

India will impose mutual sanctions on Britain. Testing, 10-day quarantine mandatory for visitors

New Delhi: India is reportedly set to impose reciprocity on British nationals, under which UK nationals…

Covishield dispute with UK: Both sides engage in talks to resolve differences

Image Source: PTI/FILE But with India not on the list of 18 approved countries with vaccine…

UK Covid travel rules: India’s terms ‘discriminatory’, warning of ‘reciprocal measures’

New Delhi: Expressing displeasure over the UK government’s decision not to recognize Kovidshield as a valid…

Engaged with India on Covid-19 vaccine certification: UK

Britain said on Monday that it is in talks with India to find out what kind…