Rising vegetable prices added another layer of pain for the consumers. ring the bell

Tomato prices are skyrocketing across the country. Due to these rising prices, common people are suffering…

Will inflation hurt BJP in the coming elections? , master stroke

The common man in the country is suffering a great loss due to inflation. Now, will…

Vegetable prices on the sky, when will the government listen? , Ich

There is resentment among the people due to the sharp jump in the prices of tomatoes…

Onion prices increased by 40 percent in a month, even tears to buy the price of ‘tomato’!

Petrol and diesel prices are increasing. Many crops have been ruined during this period due to…

Tomatoes become costly due to short supply; Prices go up by up to Rs 72 per kg in metros – Times of India

New Delhi: tomato prices Retail markets in metro cities have increased by up to Rs 72…

Tomato prices fall by up to Rs 4 per kg in some states amid supply crunch

New Delhi: tomato prices Government data shows wholesale markets in most of the producing states have…