Hapoalim’s ‘Israeli Art 23’ exhibit to boost mental health post October

The 23rd Israeli Art Exhibition showcasing Israeli artists will focus on raising the issue of…

‘The October 7 War’: A name that honors our loss and inspires our future

On October 7, 2023, Israel faced the most brutal, gruesome, and deadly attack in its…

Singular military, government needed from the sea to Jordan

“The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or…

‘Oslo is dead’: Right-wing ministers, MKs call for return to Gaza

Twelve government ministers, 15 members of the Knesset, and some 3,000 people attended a conference…

New tools of war: How the IDF uses drones to fight Hamas in Gaza

An officer in Israel’s 14th Armored Reserve Brigade recalls October 7. As for many Israelis,…

A just war, with an overwhelming cost

The sadness is overwhelming. In two horrific explosions in the central Gaza Strip on Monday,…

Hamas releases propaganda doc denying Oct 7 atrocities

Hamas has published a 16-page document presenting a justification for its actions on October 7.…

WZO announces emergency conference for Jewish leadership

The World Zionist Organization (WZO) has announced an emergency conference to be held on February…

Worldwide smoking is on the decline – except Israel – report

There is a massive decline in smokers worldwide, but Israel is seeing the opposite, according…

IDF’s Yahalom: Guarding Israel from Hamas’s underground threat

The Metro of the Coastal Enclave Hamas’ complex tunnel system, likened to the “metro” of…