Hamas terrorists captured while hiding in Gaza school, IDF pushes deeper into Khan Yunis

The IDF’s 7th Brigade successfully captured and interrogated dozens of terrorists hiding in a school…

IDF maps home of Eli terrorist in Kalandiya

IDF soldiers mapped the home overnight of the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack…

Two Israelis murdered in West Bank shooting, IDF surrounds terrorist after manhunt

Two Israelis were murdered during a terror shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of…

In Big Crackdown On Terrorism, Centre Extends Ban On Jamaat-E-Islami For Next Five Years

New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Tuesday extended the ban on Jamaat-e-Islami, Jammu and…

Switzerland to ban Hamas, affiliated organizations over October 7 massacre

Switzerland’s government said on Wednesday it wants to ban Hamas after the Palestinian terror group’s…

Hamas looking for Yahya Sinwar’s successor, Gallant tells IDF commander

Hamas is looking for a successor for Yahya Sinwar as communications with the Gaza chief…

Hamas rejects Israeli proposal to release 1,500 inmates for hostages

Hamas has rejected an Israeli offer to free all hostages taken into the Gaza Strip…

Target Killing Of Non-Local Solved In 7 Days, Key Accused Arrested: IGP Kashmir

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir police claim to have solved a targeted killing case within 7 days,…

In Big Move, Home Ministry Empowers States, UTs To Take Action Against SIMI Under UAPA

New Delhi: In a significant move, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has empowered states and…

Government Extends Ban On Students Islamic Movement Of India

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Monday extended the ban on the Students Islamic Movement…