‘Can’t say all is well…’ SpiceJet Chairman describes aviation sector

The Ukraine-Russia war has made the Aviation sector go through turbulent times and airlines across the…

Air India, IndiGo and SpiceJet reports over 350 tech snags in a year: VK Singh

The Indian aviation sector has been going through a turbulent time as various airlines have been…

DGCA inspects over 300 aircrafts to ensure flight; 62 belongs to SpiceJet

After multiple technical snag reports in aircraft across airlines, aviation watchdog Directorate General of Civil Aviation…

Over 450 incidents reported in Indian airways in 1 yr: Aviation Ministry

Between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, there have been 478 technical snag-related incidents reported…

DGCA identifies defects in 10 SpiceJet aircrafts, airline says rectified all

After reporting a number of technical snags in SpiceJet’s aircrafts, aviation regulator Directorate Basic of Civil…

DGCA conducts spot checks on 48 SpiceJet planes, finds no main issues of safety

The previous couple of months have been powerful for the aviation sector as a number of…

After a number of tech snags, DGCA begins 2-month-long particular audit of airways

Since there have been a number of incidents of technical snags in Indian carriers, aviation watchdog…