2021: the year of the fall of Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban. Full timeline of how things unfolded

Image Source: AP Security forces and politicians surrendered their provinces and bases without a fight, possibly…

Despite promising inclusive government, Taliban abruptly end women’s protests

Image Source: AP Afghans, especially women, are deeply skeptical and fear taking back the rights they…

Afghanistan crisis: Taliban’s stern warning to America

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has said that the US is in talks with the…

Taliban vs Panjshir: Top In-depth Updates | Afghanistan Crisis | Straight from the Field (August 23, 2021)

The Taliban have asked Russia to tell the remaining resistance forces in the Panjshir Valley that…

Panjshir and Northern Alliance explained: Know why Taliban is afraid? | ten unknown facts

Panjshir and Northern Alliance explained. Know why Taliban are afraid of Panjshir? Here are ten unknown…

Afghanistan Crisis: The Story of the Deadly Airport | Kabul Airport | Master Stroke (August 23, 2021)

The Afghan army is believed to be part of a troop that is helping international forces…

Indian Muslims should reject ‘Islamic Emirate’ in Afghanistan: IMSD

Image Source: AP The IMSD called on the democratic world in general and the US in…

Afghan refugees protest in front of UNHCR office in Delhi

Image Source : India TV The protesters came from Lajpat Nagar – Delhi’s ‘Little Kabul’, Bhogal,…

In this way Taliban will affect other countries. India wants

Watch the video of Bharat Chahta Hai with Sumit Awasthi and know how Taliban will affect…

Taliban News: Shoaib Jamai caught during argument with Rubika Liaquat

Watch the show Hunkar with Rubika Liaquat and know how Amber Zaidi exposed Shoaib Jamai on…