World Schizophrenia Day 2024: Lesser Known Facts About The Mental Illness – 10 Points

World Schizophrenia Day is observed every year on May 24 to raise awareness about Schizophrenia, a mental…

What Is Schizophrenia And Can It Be Cured – All About The Complex Mental Health Disorder

Characterised by significant impairments in perception and changes in behaviour, schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people…

Study Reveals Possible Targets For Treating Neuropsychiatric Diseases In Teenagers

The brain undergoes constant change throughout development and adolescence. Early adulthood is a common time for…

Schizophrenia’s Genetic Risk Linked To Placenta Rather Than Developing Brain: Study

More than 100 genes associated with schizophrenia risk appear to cause the disease because of their…

The Impact Of Your Sleep Patterns On Schizophrenia: A Study

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Italy discovered common patterns of sleep abnormalities and irregularities…

Disrupted Sleep Patterns Linked To Worse Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder: Study

Researchers have found that schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) patients, both residential and outpatient, display irregular sleep…